
    A Study on the Relationship between ESL learners’ Reading Strategies and Reading Motivation

    Abstract In the process of learning English, reading plays an important role. The ability of English reading can directly influence the learning outcomes (Yang, 2007). Recently a lot of second language researchers try to find out the factors influencing learners’ reading ability. There are several key factors that have been studied, including the intelligence, personalities, learning strategies, learning attitude and learning motivation (Liu, 2004).58252

    As reading is an important part in ESL learners’ language learning process. This paper is going to study the two key factors influencing the reading, reading strategies and reading motivation. 37 English major students participated in the survey and they were required to do a questionnaire. According to the analysis of the data, the paper tried to find out the general use of reading strategies and the possession of the reading motivation of English learners. Especially, the correlation between reading strategies and reading motivation as well as the correlation between sub-reading strategies and sub-reading motivations, both got much attention.

        The result showed that reading strategies had a positive significant correlation with reading motivation. Meanwhile, the extrinsic motivation had an impact on reading strategies and cognitive strategy had a close relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation. After the discussion of the result, some pedagogical suggestions were put forward, including the development of reading motivation and the training of reading strategies.

    Keywords: reading, reading strategy, reading motivation


    摘要阅读是英语学习过程中的一块重要组成部分。阅读能力能够一定地影响英语学习的效果(杨,2007)。 目前,国内外已经有大量的研究是意在探索提高学习者英语阅读能力和英语阅读水平的方法以及影响它们的相关因素,其中就包括阅读策略和阅读动机。阅读策略是学习者如何去阅读,对阅读策略的恰当使用能够提升学习者的阅读能力。而阅读动机是学习者为什么要去阅读,明确和培养阅读动机能够帮助学习者更有效地进行阅读。因此,对阅读策略和阅读动机的研究,对提高学习者的外语阅读能力和水平有着极大的促进作用和重要意义。

    基于以往的研究理论和成果,本文意在研究英语学习者的阅读动机和阅读策略。37名英语专业的学生参与了调查。 笔者参考一份阅读动机和阅读策略的调查问卷所得的数据,再运用SPSS数据软件对收集的数据进行整理和分析,意在找出英语学习者的英语阅读动机现状,英语阅读策略使用现状以及两者之间的相关性,从而为大学英语阅读教学提供一些建议。结果显示英语阅读动机和英语阅读策略存在显著的相关性。同时外在型阅读动机对英语阅读策略有一定的影响,而认知策略则和内在、外在阅读动机都存在相关性。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background of the Study 1

    1.2 Significance of the Study 1

    1.3 Purpose of the Study 1

    1.4 Structure of the Study 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Reading Strategy 2

    2.1.1 The Definition of Reading Strategy 2

    2.1.2 The Classification of Reading Strategy 2

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