
        The research on the translation of the literary work is helpful for one to improve the understanding on the translating theory, to learn from the excellent translation and to improve oneself both in terms of translating and study capabilities.

        According to Chesterman (13), a translation strategy is “a potentially conscious procedure for the solution of a problem which an inpidual is faced with when translating a text segment from on language into another”. And the strategies are represented by “forms of explicitly textual manipulation” and are thus “directly observable from the translation product itself, in comparison with the source text”(Chesterman 89). Throughout the history of translation studies a lot of strategies have been proposed. As one of the most famous translation strategies, the D-F theory has aroused arguments at home and abroad.

        Since 1970s, the study of cultural translation appeared in some Western country. The debates about Domestication and Foreignization has been vigorous in the current translation field. It was Nida who first made the discussion between domestication and foreignization, Italian American scholar Venuti brought the debates into a fight at outreach.:源^自'优尔;文,论|文{网[www.youerw.com

        Catford stresses that translation involves the transfer of ‘meaning’ from one set of language signs into another set of language signs (Ke 24, Liu 42). Influenced by Nida’s means, Newmark (138)suggested his semantic and communicative solutions. Although he reiterates that “the conflict of loyalties, the gap between emphasis on source and target language will always remain as the overriding problem in translation theory and practice”, his resolve was charged with Nida’s equivalence theory. Lefevere agrees with Nida’s dynamic equivalence theory and states that the TT should be “completely naturally expressed” and “when in Rome, do as Romans do” (Yu 135). For Nida and other scholars with a same idea, the translator should overcome the obstacles and barriers caused cultural perse and provide readership a way to know about the original style of the ST.

        The domestication translation strategy has been usually in the important place since 1870s when China began to translate foreign literature texts and other applied texts. It was advocated and applied by number of Chinese scholars. “The purpose of translation is to make the target readership understand the original information in ST as closely as possible. The task of translators is to reflect the ST objectively and represent the content in a way of accustomed to the target norms7” (Luo 619). Yan Fu, a scholar in the end of Qing Dynasty (A.D. 1616 1901), was defined as the domesticating translation. What he put more emphasis on is the elegance and effect. He wanted the target text is as fluent and native as the texts which native language while convey the information and mind in the source text.

        Although the domestication strategy has always taken the up hand, but there also are many scholars clearly advocate the foreignization strategy. Lu Xun, a famous scholar in China, put more attention to literal translation. He insisted a principle of “prefer the faith to the fluency”. He thought that translating was just as traveling at foreign, it should be of foreignism. Y. 11 (1987), as the first scholar challenged the predominant domestication in China, ever stated chat: “the domesticated TT is to change the foreign faces, erase their national characters; and combine the source language with the target language. It is clearly a twisting text”.

    Zheng (5) stands with foreignization, he pointed out that “translation itself is foreignization”, it is “the definite result of translating”.

    Sun (44) also an advocator of foreignization and predicted that although domestication is predominate nowadays, it’ll be more and more adapted in the future translating as domestication or even gain the predominant place.

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