摘 要汉语网络新词的出现与中国人民生活的各个方面密切相关,许多有特色的汉语网络新词在文化交流和中国文化传播中扮演着重要的角色。本文采取了分析法和综合法相结合的方法,在分析汉语网络新词特点以及它的翻译原则的基础上,简述汉语网络新词的背景,发展和分类以及其翻译的重要性,并通过论述汉语网络新词翻译的原则,提出了汉语网络新词的基本翻译策略。正确翻译汉语网络新词,可以使更多的人了解中国社会发展的变化,与此同时,它也促进了文化传播,给汉语文化注入了新的活力。83885
Abstract The new word appeared with Chinese characteristics is closely related to all aspects of life of the Chinese people, many distinctive Chinese network new words play an important role on the exchanging and spreading of some popular Chinese culture。 Based on the analysis of Chinese network new words characteristics and its translation principles, the paper adopts the method of analysis and comprehensive method。 First of all, the paper tells about the background, development, classification and the importance of studying the translation of Chinese network new words。 And then, the paper puts forward some basic translation strategies by means of discussing the principles of the Chinese network new words。 It points out that the reasonable and appropriate translation of Chinese new network word allow more people understand the changes in China’s social development。 At the same time, it also promotes the spread of culture and enriches new vitality into the Chinese culture。
Key words: Chinese network new words; characteristics; translation strategies
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I。 Introduction 1
II。 Brief Analysis of Chinese Network New Words 2
2。1 The Production and Classification of Chinese Network New Words 2
2。2 The Translation Problems of Chinese Network New Words 4
III。 The Translation Principles of Chinese Network New Words 6
3。1 Faithful Ideas 7
3。2 Consistent Style 7
3。3 Readable Texts 8
IV。 The Translation Strategies of Chinese Network New Words 8
4。1 Literal Translation 8
4。2 Free translation 9
4。3 Interpretation 10
4。4 Transliteration 11
4。5 Back Translation 11
V。 Conclusion 12
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgements 15
On English Translation of Chinese Network New Words
I。 Introduction
With the progress of science and technology, the Internet is becoming increasingly popular, and surfing the internet has become a fashion for most people in current society。 Meanwhile, a lot of Chinese network new words have mushroomed。 The new translation of Chinese network new words shows the unique development and changes of China。 As for the translation of Chinese network new words, some well-known person must be mentioned。 In 1984, Mr。 Lv Shuxiang on entitled Everyone to Care about New Words and Meanings, he proposed new words can be pided into three types “the creation of the words, the new use of old words and the Beijing colloquial words” (58)。 Meanwhile, Mr。 Chen Yuan, a well-known social linguist, issued a theory about new language article on the emergence of its social significance。 It pointed that new words are the result of the emergence of new changes in social life (114)。 In book Language and the Internet, David Cristal, a linguistic in Northern Ireland, argued the reverse that the Internet has encouraged a dramatic expansion in the variety and creativity of language (9)。 Due to their pioneering research on new words, many scholars began to pay closely attention to the field of linguistics study new words, research fruitful, and constantly opened up new areas of research, theory and methods of deepening innovation。论文网