

    毕业论文关键词: 勇敢;叙事;贫困;爱 

    Abstract In the novel Jane Eyre,the author used a unique narrative technique, through the narrative itself, created a about love, life, society is to take active attitude of women. Whether they are under poor social status, or drift with life suffering .It is the British lower people the reality of life. However, Jane didn't because aunt abuse a distorted personality, not because of school bullying and harassment became weak, because there is no Rochester high status to make love to become humble. The article describes the ups and downs, the end of a complete shock to the heart, giving readers confidence and motivation. The original use of first person narration and make it easier for the reader to enter to the inside of the novel. This thesis first from the perspective of narrative analysis, after from the narrative point of view of the interpretation of the original and the last throughout from the angle of narrative to be analysis, to make the paper more clear and complete.

    Keywords: brave;narrative; poverty;love

    On the Narrative Structure of JaneEyre


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Narrative Point of View 1

    2.1 Narrative time 2

    2.2 Independent of love 3

    2.3 Narrative Layers 5

    III. The perspective of different narrators 8

    3.1 From the Perspective of Lockwood’s Narration 8

    3.2 From the Side of Nelly’s Narration 10

    3.3 Other Narrators 11

    3.4 The Role of the Authoress Herself 12

    IV. Conclusion 13

    Bibliography 15

    Acknowledgements 16I. Introduction

    Jane Eyre is a classic works of literature, Jane Eyre published not only attract the numerous readers also attracted many researchers from the structure of the novel. From the point view of feminism and other different research, more research about love, but less from the narrative angle resolved. This thesis enable readers understand the article more.

    I have studied many stories of the author Charlotte Bronte. She was born in a family, it has economic problems and was full of disasters. She lived a remote place, and it is far away from crazy crowds. At that time, revolution is on the rise which has changed the whole country from agriculture to industry. The new rising capitalist class was obtaining more power. All these characterized her works.

    The God created those geniuses and also destroyed then .All these gifted daughters passed away before their father in their golden years with no exception. It is a pity for the Bronte sisters.

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