
    II. Narrative Point of View


    In 1847, charlotte Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre was published, it caused a sensation in British literary world, and Thackeray is called “a genius” great masterpiece. we found this works from Jane in my aunt's home ten years ago, not be discrimination, abuse, brave fight, and chose to live unknown school life alone, and then she unwilling to compromise choice because of the death of her friend after tutor this new career, finally she meet her love. She is bold to love, to pursue equality and happiness, She found that Rochester had a wife resolutely chose to leave, and returned to the helpless in the heritage of Rochester. Homespun reflects the Jane, don't care about fame and wealth, and just follow her own heart. It is worthy of praise but from another perspective, the article adopt “first person” narrative, “the first person” and “third person” is not good or bad, It is known as narrative produce different effects, the purpose of this article works use “first person” as a whole can let the reader more easy to agree with the author's point of view, Let reader puts himself into the article, let the reader can experience more, get into the world of Jane, storytelling to where, where it becomes clear, make the reader understand Jane, feel Jane good, understand the love of Jane, and cause a strong resonance. This also constitutes the “Jane Eyre describes” the basic plot.^源^自#优尔:文,论:文;网[www.youerw.com

    2.1 Narrative time

    This book mainly describes Jane in my aunt’s home life, after met Rochester school friends died, and produce a series of stories. Full use is described in chapter ten top ten years of life, tells the story of Jane meets love whole pages of genuine, have the courage to pursue their own want equality and happiness.

        The author described in the first ten chapters of three things, first of all, the "red house event was cousin beaten Jane has carried on the resistance, because of this, her aunt locked her into the" red house "Jane is startled. Then Mrs Reed slander Jane is a child of love saying lie. Finally Jane in the life of the school, the teacher’s bullying and her friend Halen, several readers pointed out that the regret of the article. It is said that Helen's death was too regret, Helen has always been a tolerant girl who is patience for life. From the article can feel her kindness and goodness, it reflects the noble moral sentiment, although the length of life is small but it does not influence of Jane even gives Jane great spiritual strength, Jane warm friendship, and her strength and courage. Let her does not feel lonely when the grievances, but young life so hasty end, the best explanation should be sorry to something more profound memory. It is because of Helen’s tolerance, in the death of Mrs. Reed chose to forgive; it is such a seagoing vessel inpidual teachers to her. She will obey the corporal punishment, to help teachers to take enforcement tools. In my eyes, she is too weak, blindly in obedience and patience in life, while accepting their own misfortune, but did not dare to fight. Fortunately, Jane did not was affected by her friends.

    A series of fight is huge, and it needs a great deal of tolerance. Little Jane lives in the bottom of society, groaned and torture is still not yield and brave resistance, then she left Mrs Reed and chose the school life. Though the thought liberation is the beginning of another unfortunate, but Jane suffered this age should not bear the suffering even not to fall and not lose hope in life. She was brave and sincere, not humiliated, and then set sail again in the death of a friend, to pursue her own life and happiness. Because of her not to yield, it brought huge turning point in life. Helen's tombstone has a Latin ‘resurge’ means “I will regenerate” and perhaps Jane may be born with the hope of rebirth, but also the best interpretation of the death of Helen innocent. Compared with Jane, our life is full of happiness; there are parents of love, brothers and sisters of concern, the elder's favor and so on. But we want more and more, not because the rich lunch feels happiness, not because of the warmth of the family feel lucky. We like everyday life in another world, which the world is real, full of laughter and companionship, and like nothing, because it is invisible. The world is a network, hand Machine.

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