

    毕业论文关键词:《道德经》; 文化负载词;英译

    Abstract Against the background that the influence of cultural soft power has constantly deepened, translation of classical works promotes the spread of traditional Chinese culture. Dao De Jing, as a classical work, together withthe culture-loaded terms in it have attracted the attention of many scholars, for their significant Chinese characteristics, and have become a study focus of translators. According to Nida’s theory, the authororganizes the culture-loaded words in Dao De Jinginto different categories, and further analyzes the English translation of different kinds of culture-loaded terms. Hopefully the study of the English translation of culture-loaded terms in Dao De Jing can help people to have a deep understanding about Chinese cultures and transmit the Chinese classical and special cultures.

    Key words: Dao De Jing; culture-loaded terms; English translation

    On the English Translation of Culture-loaded Terms in Dao De Jing

    On the English Translation of Culture-loaded Terms in Dao De JingContents                                               

    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Dao De Jing and Culture-loaded Terms 2

    2.1 Dao De Jing 2

    2.2 Culture-loaded Terms 5

    2.2.1 Definition 5

    2.2.2 Classification 5

    2.2.3 Significance 6

    III. On the Translation Strategies of Culture-loaded Terms 7

    3.1 Foreignization 7

    3.2 Domestication 8

    IV. Translation of Culture-loaded Terms in Dao De Jing 9

    4.1 Ecological Culture-loaded Terms 9

    4.2 Material Culture-loaded Terms 10

    4.3 Social Culture-loaded Terms 11

    4.4 Religious Culture-loaded Terms 12

    4.5 Linguistic Culture-loaded Terms 14

    V. Conclusion 15

    Bibliography 16

    Acknowledgements 17

    I. Introduction

    What is culture? Many a scholar has defined it from different aspects and the most widely accepted view comes from Edward B. Tylor, a well-known British scholar: Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and habits acquired by man as a member of society(1). What are culture-loaded terms? Just like the comprehension of Hamlet varies from reader to reader, different scholars or experts may have different interpretation about them. According to Mona Baker, “The source language word may express a concept which is totally unknown in the target culture. The concept in question may be abstract or concrete; it may relate to a religious belief, a social custom, or a type of food. Such concepts are often referred to culture-specific”(21). We have known that culture plays a significant role in the international communication, so culture-loaded words, as the symbols of national cultures, must have a profound influence on the process of cultural transmission. 

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