
    Apart from the study above, the themes of aging and dying in Sarton’s works are also the important and hot issues studied by scholars. No matter in the past or the modern society, honest conversations about aging are rare. Dying is definitely not an acceptable subject on most occasions. But in May Sarton’s journals, she talks forthrightly about dying and aging. She is an aging solitary lady, there are sometimes fear, anxiety, sadness and loneness surrounding her just like other normal old people. However, she owns positive attitude towards aging and enjoys the process of aging. Klein made a reasonable understanding about May Sarton’s attitude towards dying “May Sarton has consistently recognized the process of dying as an indisputable aspect of living. For almost all of Sarton’s characters, to be old is a privilege” (1983:4).

    “Attitudes towards aging in May Sarton’s At Seventy” was written by Zhang Xiaoyi in,源Z自+优尔=文)论(文]网[www.youerw.com  2015. In her work, she explains Sarton’s definition to aging, which is when someone looks backward and loses energy, he begins to get old. But Sarton always looks forward with joy so she is not old at all. Then the author analyses the reasons why May Sarton is so optimistic about aging. The first reason is that Sarton has many great examples who live a meaningful life in their old age and a fine example has boundless power. The second reason is that Sarton pays more attention to her inner beauty. Other reasons include May Sarton enjoys her solitude and is in a good mental state.

    However, sometimes Sarton is also negative about aging for she realizes the disparity between herself and the young people and feels solitary.

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