
    1.4 Methodologies of the Study

    ① Questionnaire 

        It is used both at the beginning of research and at the end of research. The questionnaire aims to get a full understanding of students’ writing interest and writing attitude. At the end of the experiment, the questionnaire is used again to observe if students’ writing interest has changed.  

    ② Interview

        The researcher can know more detailed information and the progress of the students' experiential learning by interviewing. 

    ③ Classroom observation

        It is to see how students perform in English EL class and find out how to improve it. So, it is necessary for the author to collect related information in class.

    ④ Text papers

        The research includes two texts. The pre-test is given before research. It aims to know students’ English level. The post-test is given after experiment. It aims to know that if students’ scores are improved. 

    1.5 Organization of the study

    There are five chapters in the paper. 

    Chapter One gives an introduction to this whole study, including the background, the purpose and the significance, the methodologies and the organization,

    Chapter Two is the literature review of Experiential Learning both at home and aboard. 

    Chapter Three is research methodologies, including research questions, participants, instruments and procedures. 

    Chapter Four is data analysis and discussion. The author has collected data to solve the research questions.

    Chapter Five is the conclusion of the study. The author also suggests the implications of EL.

    2. Literature Review 

    In this chapter, a review of researches on Experiential Learning will be provided both abroad and at home, which aims at giving the theoretical foundation for the development of the paper. 

    2.1 The Definition of Experiential Learning

    Basically, Experiential Learning means learning from experience. 

    “Experience” refers to take part in certain kinds of activities and to have inpidual experiences. One should come through everything all by himself to get “experience”. So, we can see it has personal characters and one’ s creative thoughts. From psychologies’ perspective, “experience” means “rational intuition”, which is linked with self consciousness tightly.

    What is Experiential Learning? There is no standard explanation of it. The following are some famous definitions.

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