Abstract Motivation is considered as one of the critical factors influencing students’ English learning. The new English curriculum standards also emphasizes that teachers should inspire and strengthen students’ interest in learning, guide students to transform interest into stable leaning motivation and regards learning motivation as one of the emotional goals of English teaching.
Nevertheless, at present, a majority of students in junior middle school take entering senior high school as their main learning aim without strong internal motivation. It is a common problem faced by most of the teachers that how to use effective teaching strategies to stimulate students’ English learning motivation. Therefore, researcher considers it as the purpose of this study.
This research tries to find the types of motivations of students in the second year of junior middle schools, find the relationship between motivation types, learning condition and learning effectiveness, tend to give tentative suggestions to students in junior middle school especially the ones in the second years. Through theoretical support and experiment, the researcher draws following conclusions: (1) Learning motivation has a positive correlation with the time length students spend on learning English. (2) Students who are in different English level show significant differences in grades, interest motivation and learning styles. (3) Students have strong motivation of information medium and interests, they have weak motivation of study abroad and achievement motivation. 50427
According to the results, researcher gives some tentative suggestions to junior school teaching and studying.
Key words: English-learning motivation; Junior Middle School Students; English teaching
在过去的几十年,国内外学者已经在外语学习动机方面做了很多研究, 我国在这方面的研究开始得相对较晚,并且其研究对象多为大学生,而小学和初中等基础教育阶段学生的英语学习动机受到的关注较少。当前,大部分的中学生都只是将升学作为主要的学习目标,如何激发学生的学习动机成为了英语老师所要面临的重大难题。
1. Introduction 1