
    4.5 further research 

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Setting

       In recent years, there are many researches and scientists focusing on English movie dubbing and also a lot of results have been concluded. But nearly every researcher aimed at what language skills can students acquire—vocabulary, listening, writing, speaking, reading  and so on. What has been forgotten is the interest. In such a teaching atmosphere in China, the results and the grades are the most important. However, if interest has been inspired, the grades won’t be disappointing and interest will have a long term influence on students’ English study. However, how the activity influences students’ study is still uncertain. Therefore, in this research, the author will figure out how the English movie dubbing influence students’ interest in English learning.

    1.2 Literature review

    1.2.1 Background

    Recently, there has been growing interests in regarding English movie dubbing as an essential activity in English teaching such as junior high school English teaching. In this study, the author is going to focus on whether this kind of activity can arouse students’ interests or not. Especially for those students who don’t like the English activity before they take part in this activity. Before the interpretation of this study, the backgrounds behind this study will be introduced as follows. 

    Firstly, in the era of globalization, the increasingly frequent economic and cultural exchanges, English, as a bridge between different cultures, becomes more and more important, so how to learn English well becomes an interesting problem for all countries except English-speaking countries. And for the English teaching, the trend is that teaching method tends to persify and the teachers are encouraged to be creative and reformational in order to stimulate students' motivation to learn, to mobilize the English consciousness of independent learning. At the meantime, English movies dubbing is one of the effective teaching methods which is a set of fun, education and practicality so English movie dubbing becomes useful in English teaching. 源^自·优尔|文\论]文'网[www.youerw.com

    Secondly, during these decades, there are many theories which are related to this study. American educationalists found: people gain 80 percent of the knowledge from the vision, but we just remember 11% of these knowledge. A combination of auditory and vision can achieve higher efficiency that something we remember can be from 5% to 50%. Learning pyramid which is released by US National Training Laboratory (1964)shows that the lower pyramid is active learning, including the "group Discussion". People can remember 50% of the content. People can remember 75% of the content using "doing" or "practical exercises". The bottom layer is the "teaching others" or "immediate application", from this way,people can remember 90% of learning content. In1946, this learning pyramid was first discovered and put up by an American scholar and teaching specialist-- Edgar Dale. According to this experimental result, teachers should emphasize active learning to help students. For example, the students themselves try the order of "try - Feedback - Summary - try" in the oral class. The process of movie dubbing teaching is just to improve students’ these capabilities through the activities including appreciation and analysis of the film, imitation and performance and other activities. Krashen's theory(1985), language input hypothesis, also provides theoretical support to use original English movie dubbing in the English teaching, for this theory point out that a large number of meaningful, vivid, relevant information should be given to the learners and language acquisition can be efficiently carried out. Because of the vivid plots and consistent show, English video materials can meet the above-mentioned requirements. 

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