
    Second, for some rhetorical devices, such as simile, personification repetition and so on, which exist both in Chinese and English languages, they can be rendered directly only to conform to the English and Chinese expression forms, and obey to the grammatical rules. The main principles of translating are unity and continuity.

    The last but not least, there are some different rhetorical devices between the English and Chinese. Some phonological and biblical rhetoric exists in the English language, but not in Chinese. Moreover, although there are some rhetorical styles like allusion, pun, metaphor and antithesis in both English and Chinese languages, they have different meaning, function and reference because of the distinction of national history, culture, belief, custom manners and geographic position. It demands the translators to creatively render the rhetorical devices, avoiding the way of literal translation.源'自-优尔;文,论`文'网]www.youerw.com

    2.2 Paradox of translation—translatability and untranslatability 

    From Wikipedia, a paradox is “a statement that apparently contradicts itself and yet might be true (or wrong at the same time). Some logical paradoxes are known to be invalid arguments but are still valuable in promoting critical thinking”. Based on this judgment, it is reasonable to say that translatability and untranslatability is a kind of paradoxes. In the long history period, people who speak different languages need to communicate and contact with each other, so translation between languages is more and more important. Especially, in this modern time, it is more and more essential to understand other countries’ economy, politics, culture and people’s lives with globalization blossoming. From the level of practice, translatability is undeniable. However, there is another voice that translation is impossible, which seems ridiculous, but it is figured out in recent study of translation. Some people even analyze and prove it, which seems to lead a new theory of translation different from the traditional translation theory.

    Untranslatability can be pided into two pieces of meaning. One is from the theoretical level. The other is from practical level. Many translators will be faced with a lot of untranslatable factors in translating, especially in the process of translation of literature works. There are so many of factors which is hard to translate or absolutely impossible to translate. From the perspective of linguistic meaning theory, Bloomfield "meaning" theory in On Language defines the meaning of the language description as "the speaker issued a statement of the environment and the statement from the hearer's body caused by the reaction behavior". Based on this theory, in order to give the scientific definition to every statement of a language, it must have a scientific and accurate understanding of anything in the world of the speaker. However, from a practical point of view, to fully and accurately understand the world of people's life is not possible, this also means that a statement is not possible to make an accurate and comprehensive interpretation. From the view of Georges Mounin, since the meaning of a statement is always difficult to understand, it is “impossible” to convey the meaning of a language to another language (1963:278). Besides, the new school of Humboldt "world image" theory also questioned the feasibility of translation. The world image varies from people to people. People in the different culture have different understanding and imagination of the world, so the meaning of the same things expressed by different language may be absolutely different. 

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