
    Abstract As a typical Cross-Cultural activity, in all kinds of tourism materials, the translation of the names of tourism scenic spots plays a very important role. Various scenic spots tend to include rich cultural information. Therefore when we do the translation of the names, we should give sufficient consideration to cross-cultural awareness and provide scenic spots information as accurate as possible. This paper firstly talks about something about cross-cultural awareness, and then explores the features of tourism English. Finally it analyzes the translation methods of four scenic spots’ names which are beneficial for the transmission of the Chinese culture.52868

    Keywords: Cross-Cultural awareness; scenic spots names; translation 


    毕业论文关键词:跨文化意识; 旅游景点名称; 翻译


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Features of Tourism English 3

    3.1 Broad Scope of Tourism English 3

    3.2 Tourism English with Deep Cultural Meaning 3

    3.3 Tourism English with Artistic Language Feature 4

    4. Problems Existing in Translation of Scenic Spots Names 4

    4.1 The Name of One Scenic Spot having Different Translation Terms 4

    4.2 Ignoring the Cultural Background Information of Scenic Spots 5

    4.3 Ignoring Differences between Chinese and English Linguistic Culture 5

    5. Translation Methods of Scenic Spots Names 6

    5.1 Transliteration 6

    5.2 Free Translation 6

    5.3 Transliteration plus Free Translation 7

    5.4 Transliteration plus Explanation 8

    6. Conclusion 9

    Works Cited 10

    1. Introduction

    Nowadays, with the rapid development of Economy and the improvement of transportation means, more and more people are able to go abroad for traveling. China is an ancient civilized country with a five-thousand –year brilliant culture and ample tourism resources. Most friends come to China not only to enjoy its beautiful natural scenery, but also to appreciate its fascinating culture. As the fundamental carrier of culture, languages’ function is to make communication convenient, however, only language is not enough, lacking of cultural backgrounds, material conditions, spirit and so on may result in the difficulties to make sure the quality of communication. Because of great differences between east and west in many aspects, they develop different cultures. Language is the base of culture; cross-cultural awareness is often realized by translation. So it is necessary for translators to cultivate cross-cultural Awareness when they translate scenic spots names, then, what is Cross-Cultural Awareness?源-自/优尔+,论^文'网]www.youerw.com

    2. Literature Review

    Based on above analysis, we know that cross-cultural awareness is an essential part that we should take into consideration when we do translation works. I collect and refer to different papers, journals and documents. The scientific study of cross-cultural awareness in Scenic Spots Names English Translation can be back to the 1960’s, however, in the process of writing my papers, it is difficult to find out English documents, and for right now, most of the papers are concentrate on tourism materials rather than scenic spots names, so it is difficult to refer to those references, Concerning the definition of cross-cultural awareness, there are miscellaneous understandings. In the academic community Chen Gang defines Cross-Cultural awareness as a process with four steps; firstly, we are supposed to be willing to understand and respect western culture, acquiring some of its facial traits through books or trips; secondly, after getting involved in a foreign culture and having certain knowledge, there will be a culture shock; Thirdly, living in a country with a foreign culture, we can have feelings and understandings to some degree, then we will think it acceptable from the cognitive level ;fourthly, when we deeply comprehend a foreign culture and lead an easy life under it, namely, we have learned to consider problems with an eye as a native, so we will accept it from the emotional level. The English anthropologist Taylor has defined culture as compound unity. Generally speaking, we human beings pide culture into three aspects: idea culture, system culture and implement culture. From the view of tourism culture, the differences between China and the west reflect on different aspects, ethics, custom, psychology and aesthetics, in another word, cross-cultural awareness is actually a comprehensive consideration of such aspects above. Hanvey once said (1980:237), cross-cultural awareness refers to participants in cross-cultural communication sensitive cultural differences between countries. When a translator takes part in translating tourism materials, it is necessary to possess cross-cultural awareness. In particular, translators should be tourist oriented and remember the needs of his readers-tourists.

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