
    Abstract Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind receives great success from the public all along. Critics study Scarlett from different perspectives with different focuses. But, so far, few critics analyze Scarlett from feminist perspective with a focus on her growth process. What’s more, in the modern society, there are many women like Scarlett who do not want to be “Other” and seek independence and liberation. Therefore, this paper is to reinterpret the novel from a feminist perspective, analyzing women’s independence-seeking process through feminist analysis of Scarlett’s growth process.53837

    This thesis is made up of five parts. Part One is about a general introduction to Mitchell’s life, the main ideas of Gone with the Wind, as well as literature review about this novel. Part Two is a brief introduction to the feminist theory. The third part focuses on analyzing the formation and immaturity of Scarlett’s feminine consciousness as well as the reasons that lead to her immaturity. The conclusion summarizes the whole thesis: When women meet with difficulties on the way of growth, they should know how to find social position. Only in this way can they become mature and successful and obtain equal position with men in the modern society.

    Key words:Margaret Mitchell; Scarlett; Gone with the Wind; Feminine Consciousness 

    摘要玛格丽特.米切尔的传世之作《飘》一直广受公众赞誉。学者们纷纷从不同的角度对小说女主人公-斯佳丽进行了不同侧重点的研究。但至今, 在从女性主义角度分析这部小说时,很少有评论家聚焦于她的成长过程。再者,在现代社会中,有许多像斯佳丽一样不甘于“他者”身份,追求独立和解放的女性。据此,本论文将从女性主义角度对这部小说进行重新解读。通过对斯佳丽成长过程的女性主义分析来剖析女性寻求个人独立历程。




    1. Introduction......1 

    1.1 ABrief Introduction to Margaret Mitchell...1 

    1.2 The Main Ideas about Gone with the Wind......2

    2. Literature Review....2

    3. A Brief Introduction to the Feminist Theory.3

    3.1 The Definition of Feminism..3 

    3.2 A Brief Introduction to the History of Feminism4

    4. An Analysis of Scarlett’s Feminine Consciousness...5

    4.1 Scarlett’s Gradual Formation of Feminine Consciousness.5

    4.2 The Immaturity of Scarlett’s feminine Consciousness8

    5. The Reasons for Scarlett’s Immature Feminine Consciousness... .11

    5.1 The Traditonal Constraints Held on Women....11

    5.2 Her Character 12

    5.3 Her Education....12

    5.4 Margaret Mitchell’s Limitation.13

    6. Conclusion..13

    Works Cited...15

     1. Introduction

    In this part, I give a brief introduction to Margaret, Mitchell’s life and the main ideas about Gone with the Wind.

    1.1 A Brief Introduction to Margaret Mitchell 

    Margaret Mitchell (November 8, 1900-August 16, 1949) is an American writer who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. The film adoption of it, released in 1939, becomes one of the most popular films in the history of Hollywood. Margaret Mitchell is born into an upper class family in Atlanta, Georgia. Her mother, Maybelle Mitchell is a suffragist. Her father, Eugene Mitchell is a famous lawyer. Margaret Mitchell likes listening to the stories, especially stories about the battles during the Civil War. Margaret’s life is deeply influenced by the Civil War.

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