
    Abstract With the advancement of human civilization, gardens have been blessed with pursuits for beauty and art by people for a long time. Chinese and western gardens have formed different styles during their disparate developments. In this thesis, the author attempts to discuss the cultural differences between Chinese and western classical gardens from the perspectives of the different choices and managements of natural elements in gardens. Then, the author elaborates the influential factors like geography, history, aesthetic value and mythology to analyse those different phenomena. The author wrote this thesis with the aim to research gardens’ construction and usher a better living environment for modern people.54558

    Keywords: cultural differences; classical garden; plant; water; stone; mountain




    1. Introduction

    2. Literature Review

    3. Choices of elements

    3.1 Plant

    3.2 Management of water

    3.3 Management of stone

    3.4 Management of mountain

    3.5. Arrangement among the elements

    4. Influential factors of the differences

    4.1 Geography

    4.2 History

    4.3 Religion and mythology

    4.4 Living values

    5. Conclusion 11

    Works Cited 12

    1. Introduction

         A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, setting aside for the display, cultivation and the enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden)There are three categories of classical gardens in China, royal gardens, private gardens and temple gardens. In western world, the Italian and France regular and English scenery gardens are the most representative models. Influenced by different cultures, tastes, vales of aesthetic and the situation of economy, Chinese and western classical gardens have many pergences. In China, the royal gardens in Beijing have represented the highest level since they contain too much mandarin culture and Chinese spirits. They not only show the imperial grandeur for their huge area, but also contain the essence of the private gardens in the regions south of the Yangtze River (Jiangnan). Therefore, this paper chooses some famous royal ones as the representative Chinese gardens such as the Summer Palace, Yuan Ming Yuan Imperial Garden, Cheng De Mountain Resort and so on. Western classical gardens have originated from ancient Greek and Rome whose ocean civilizations have great impacts on western gardens’ styles. Owing to the breakdown of ancient Rome, there had been many kingdoms in Europe where different gardens have developed their characteristics according to their own national features. In this thesis,the author cites the famous representative gardens like the Versailles, the Kew Garden, the Deste Villa to elaborate western gardens’ cultures.源'自:优尔`!论~文'网www.youerw.com

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