
    Abstract  Alice Munro, the 2013 Nobel Prize winner, is widely regarded as the master of the contemporary short-story writer. The eight short stories in Runaway the book discloses the preoccupations of figures who must remain satisfied with momentary illumination rather than life-changing revelations. Munro scholars at home and abroad have mainly focused on Southern Ontario Gothic or feminism in Runaway. The eco-feminist elements in it have been touched upon. However, what is neglected in their analysis of Munro’s Eco-feminist awareness is the reconstruction of ecological harmony beneath the conflicts between woman and nature, society, men, and self hidden in the collection. Therefore, based on Eco-feminism, this thesis attempts to explore the text from two perspectives: the imbalance between women and nature, society, men, and self; the construction of ecological harmony between woman and nature, society, men, and self. The Eco-feminist interpretation of the text will enrich the study of this innovative book. 56297

    Keywords:  Munro; Runaway; feminism; imbalance; ecological harmony

    摘要  2013年诺贝尔奖得主爱丽丝·门罗被广泛认为是当代短篇小说大师。短篇小说集《逃离》中八个故事揭示了人物关注点:只能局限于片刻的启迪满足而不是改变命运的启示。研究门罗的国内外学者主要聚焦《逃离》中的安大略南部哥特式或女性主义。生态女性主义元素也有所涉及。然而生态女性主义评论只限于女性与自然,社会,男人和自我之间的冲突,隐藏在小说集中的和谐之路的重建却被忽略。因此,基于生态女性主义理论,本文试图从两个维度探讨文本:女性与自然,社会,男人和自我之间的失衡和重建和谐之路。生态女性主义视域下的阅读将丰富对这本创新之书的研究。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 A Brief Introduction to Munro and Runaway 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Brief Introduction to Eco-feminism 3

    4. Munro’s Eco-feminist Awareness in Runaway 4

    4.1 The Imbalance between Woman and Nature 4

    4.2 The Construction of Ecological Harmony between Woman and Nature 5

    4.3 The Imbalance between Woman and Society 6

    4.4 The Construction of Ecological Harmony between Woman and Society 6

    4.5 The Imbalance between Woman and Man 7

    4.6 The Construction of Ecological Harmony between Woman and Man 8

    4.7 The Imbalance between Woman and Self 8

    4.8 The Construction of Ecological Harmony between Woman and Self 9

    5. Conclusion 10

    Works Cited 12

    1. Introduction

    1.1 A Brief Introduction to Munro and Runaway

         Munro, a famous Canadian writer, she is known for short stories. In more than 40 years of literary career, she has published short stories more than one hundred. She was born in the community of Wing ham in North Huron Ontario, Canada in 1931. She got porced with her first husband in 1972 and then married her present husband in 1976. The couple have been living in a small town of Ontario ever since. Up to the present, Munro has published more than fifteen collections of short stories. From the earliest Dance of the Happy Shades to the newest Too Much Happiness, out of which three won Canada’s Governor General’s Award and some others won Canadian Book Award, Griller Prize, O. Henry Award and Trillium Book Award, etc. Munro is skilled in writing about the perplexed and conflicting status of people, especially of women, and is good at using the women writer’s particular insight and point of view to describe people’s various kinds of conflict in life. (Warren, 49-61)

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