
         With the new development of technology of information and communication, different nations and different cultures make more frequent contact with one another in this global village.Human societies across the world have established progressively closer contacts with each other in terms of politics, economy and culture(郭慧钰,2012:10). on the background of cultural globalization, one nation has to admit different kinds of cultures and communicate with them in order to develop own cultural characters. And only when the movie keep a good balance between traditional and modern culture, local and global culture, can the movie step into the world and be popular among different nations. The success of Kung Fu Panda is such a vivid example.This thesis is a case study on the integration of Chinese and American cultures in the movie Kung Fu Panda. It aims to raise the awareness of the importance of our own culture, and provide some constructive implications for the effective and creative use and dissemination of Chinese culture. Because of the limitation of my time and level, I’m sorry to can not make a further study.

    2. Literature Review源Y自Z优尔W.论~文'网·www.youerw.com

    2.1Definition of Intercultural Communication

    Intercultural communication refers to the communication between a native speakers and a nonnative speaker in the literal meaning, but more accurately, intercultural communication is a form of communication that aims to share information across different cultures and social groups. The term intercultural communication is used regularly when coming to communication between people from different cultures. People usually have differences in cultural backgrounds, living styles, educational, political, and economical conditions, even hobbies and any other natural conditions, thus plenty of troubles and obstacles appears in intercultural communication. 

    Intercultural communication is often defined as a process that contact with closely unrelated areas like cultural anthropology and communication. The key of Intercultural communication is to set up and comprehend how people from different cultures communicate with each other. Intercultural communication is a region of study that looks at how people from different cultural backgrounds strive to communicate. It is a combination of many other fields in the scholarly realm. All of these fields include anthropology, linguistics, cultural studies, psychology and communication and so on. (布罗斯纳安,1991:23)

    2.2The Intercultural Communication in Foreign Research

         Intercultural communication rose in the United States in the 1950s.Hall(1959) first proposed the concept of intercultural communication, and the publication of this work mark the birth of intercultural communication in academic world.Porter(1990),one of the leader of the international interculturalscholars lists 8 variables that impact on intercultural communication: attitude socialorganization patterns of thought roles and role expectations language space time andnonverbal expression. He pointed out the eight elements do not exist separately instead they are all interrelated to each other in affecting intercultural communicative behaviors. “Fitzgerald(2004)indicated some factors,such as language, religion, experience,etc will influence the participants, while these factors will produce an unequal relationship between researcher and participants. The author emphasizes the importance of the participant in the research. Only by understanding the important of the participants, the researcher can obtain valid data, thus ensuring the reliability of the research. Biber(2001) emphasized the importance of quantitative research method, and pointed out that quantitative analysis enhanced the credibility of the study. Seror(2005) indicated the limitation of traditional statistical methods and introduced a computer-based software to value the innovative methodology during research. ”

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