    摘 要在不同的文化背景下,人们的思文模式存在着差异。思文模式的不同是造成中西方语言文化交流障碍的一个重要因素。本文首先对中西方思文模式进行了对比分析,具体来说,两种模式呈现出主观性和客观性、综合型和分析型、螺旋型思文和直线型思文、形式逻辑和辩证逻辑的差异。然后探究了造成中西方思文模式差异的文化根源,并提出在跨文化交际中处理这种差异的对策,有利于人们更深刻地理解中西方文化,以提高跨文化交际活动的有效性。  关键词: 思文模式;中西文化;差异;跨文化交际8033
    Under different cultural backgrounds, people have different thought patterns. The difference of thought patterns is an important factor that leads to the barriers in Chinese and Western cultural communication. The paper firstly makes a comparative analysis of Chinese and Western thought patterns, specifying the four different types. They are subjective and objective, synthesis and analysis, spiral and linear, and formal logic and dialectical logic. Then it explores the cultural causes of thought pattern differences and proposes some solutions to overcome the obstacles in cross-cultural communication, so that people can deeply understand Chinese and Western culture and can also improves the efficiency of cross-cultural communication.
     Key words: thought pattern; Chinese and Western culture; differences; cross-cultural communicationContents

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Comparison on Chinese and Western Thought Patterns    2
    2.1 Subjective and Objective    2
    2.2 Synthesis and Analysis    3
    2.3 Spiral and Linear    4
    2.4 Formal Logic and Dialectical Logic    5
    III. Cultural Factors Leading to Sino-Western Thought Pattern Differences    7
    3.1 Religions and Philosophies    7
    3.2 Historical Changes    9
    3.2.1 Economy    9
    3.2.2 Social Structure    10
    3.2.3 Education    11
    IV. Solutions to Cultural Barriers in Sino-Western Cultural Communication    12
    4.1 Enhancing Mutual Understandings on Sino-Western Thought Patterns    12
    4.2 Strengthening Sino-Western Educational Communication    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    On Cultural Differences Between China and the West Through Thought Patterns
    I. Introduction

    Thought pattern is an important factor to formulate and develop culture, the relatively stable cultural consolidation in the progress of the history of one nation. The differences in thought patterns will bring different expressions and forms in language and culture. Communicative barriers contribute to cultural conflicts. To gain the understandings of different cultures, thought patterns should be taken into consideration.
    An obvious distinction of thought patterns on the language level put forward by Kaplan R, is Chinese spirality and Western linearity. His study brought the research on cultural differences over the world into a new field. Since only the studies on thought patterns could explain and further explore the cultural differences between China and the West. However, the most important mission of thought patterns researches is to guide people who live in different places to communicate appropriately and make cultural exchanges enhanced.
    Main differences of Sino-Western thought patterns are subjective and objective, synthesis and analysis, spiral and linear, formal logic and dialectical logic. In Chinese culture, manners are hierarchical to maintain the social status of each member while Western people regard manners as an instrument to strengthen the order of the society. This could be examined through different thought patterns. Chinese have a tendency to believe the world or the whole community where they live is originated from two balanced power which was called yin-yang theory. Anything should not break the balance. Thus architectures in China are always harmonious with nature. But people in the West have a dialectical logic in their minds. This could be also seen through their designs of the buildings. The Leaning Tower of Pica, the Eiffel Tower in Paris reflects human grave and imaginative thoughts. If the minds behind are neglected when it comes to the communications, it will cause cultural conflicts.
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