Abstract Written English and spoken English belong to different genres, which are different in wording and phrasing. But many investigations show that there is a spoken English phenomenon in Chinese EFL Writing. This paper approaches this phenomenon from the perspective of vocabulary acquisition, analyzing it from cognitive theory, teachers’ teaching methods and students’ learning strategies. Finally, some suggestions to solve this problem are provided to improve the students’ writing performance: transforming receptive vocabulary into productive vocabulary, using English thinking while writing,preventing negative transfer, substituting written English for spoken English and so on.58785

Key Words:    spoken English   written English   vocabulary acquisition

摘  要书面语和口语分别属于不同的语体,在遣词造句方面都存在一些差异。而目前大量研究表明学生的写作普遍存在口语化现象。虽然学生在大学四年中吸收了大量的词汇,但写作时却词汇贫乏,只用常用词汇,极其口语化。本文主要从词汇习得的过程来分析写作口语化这一现象,分别从认知理论、教师的教法、学生的学习策略的角度来探讨原因,提出缓解这一现象的方法,激活接受性词汇为产出性词汇,在写作中运用英语思维,摒弃负迁移,用书面语代替口语等,从而有益于提高学生的写作能力。

毕业论文关键字   口语, 书面语, 词汇习得


1. Introduction - 1 

2. Literature Review - 1

2.1 The Importance of English Writing - 1 

2.2 Spoken English and Written English - 3 

2.3 Spoken English Phenomenon in Chinese EFL Writing - 5 

2.4 Rational for Present Study - 5 

3. Analyzing from the Perspective of Vocabulary Acquisition - 5 

3.1 Productive Vocabulary vs Receptive Vocabulary - 6 

3.2 The Phases of Vocabulary Acquisition - 6 

3.3 Acquiring Vocabulary from the Perspective of Cognitive Theory - 7 

3.4 The Reasons for Spoken English Phenomenon in Chinese EFL Writing - 8 

4. The Ways to Solve This Problem - 8 

4.1 Enlarging One’s Vocabulary - 8 

4.2 Transforming Receptive Vocabulary into Productive Vocabulary - 9 

4.3 Preventing Negative Transfer - 9 

4.4 Substituting Written English for Spoken English - 10 

4.5 Changing the Methods of Teaching and Learning - 11 

5. Conclusion - 11 

1. Introduction

English is the most widely used language in the world. As a result, English teaching occupies an important role, which aims to teach four main skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing is the key in college English education and it has great influences on the result of College English Test of Band Four and Six. Moreover, in these four skills, I think writing can exactly reflect the students’ abilities to express and communicate. It can promote the learning of other skills. So it is necessary to cultivate the students’ writing skill. But nowadays, just like the other EFL learners, Chinese EFL learners’ written language presents a strong tendency of showing features of spoken English (Wen 273). Many scholars explain this phenomenon from different aspects. Since vocabulary is the key in English writing, therefore, in the following, I will analyze the spoken English phenomenon in Chinese writing from the perspective of vocabulary acquisition.

















