Abstract Metaphor has not been just considered as a kind of rhetoric but an important cognitive tool since the conceptual metaphor was put forward; meanwhile, our language contains a huge amount of metaphors, so we cannot ignore the cognitive effect of metaphor in English vocabulary teaching. This  paper  firstly  presents  a  systematic  overview  of  the Conceptual  Metaphor  Theory including its definition, working mechanism and classification.  Secondly, the research illustrates the cultivation of the metaphorical awareness of students and studies the application of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory in English vocabulary teaching in the aspects of polysemic words, idioms, derivational terms and the cultural implications of words.59000

Key words: conceptual metaphor; English vocabulary teaching; metaphorical awareness




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1Aristotle’s comparison view 1

2.2 Lakoff & Johnson’s conceptual metaphor theory 2

2.3 Studies applying the conceptual metaphor theory to English vocabulary teaching 3

3. The Premise of the Application: Cultivation of Students’ Metaphorical Awareness 4

4. Applications of Conceptual Metaphor Theory in English Vocabulary Teaching 5

4.1 In teaching polysemic words 5

4.2 In teaching idioms 6

4.3 In teaching derivational terms 7

4.4 In teaching the cultural implications of words 9

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

In a long time, teachers have focued more on vocabulary when teaching English. Learning vocabulary covers learning words’ meanings and words’ usages in concrete contexts. People can use words correctly on the premise of knowing the words’ meaning. English teachers need a good way to teach words’ meaning, and conceptual metaphor is one of cognitive tools to acquire words’ meaning. Due to huge amount of words in a second language, students inevitably have problems in the process of learning English words. Therefore, it is highly recommended for teachers to apply the conceptual metaphor theory into English vocabulary teaching. 

The significance of this thesis can be known from three points.  Firstly, metaphor has a cognitive significance, so this thesis can bring a new way to teach English vocabulary. Secondly, this thesis helps students and teachers develop the habits of learning things with metaphoric thinking. Thirdly, this thesis encourages more people to apply the conceptual metaphor to other academic fields. The purpose of this thesis is to encourage teachers to use the concept metaphor in English vocabulary teaching.

The content of this thesis can be pided into four parts. Part one is about the background and the significance of this thesis. Part two is Aristotle’s and Layoff’s views on metaphor and the studies adopting the conceptual metaphor theory into English vocabulary teaching. Part Three puts forward applications in English vocabulary teaching on the basis of the conceptual metaphor. Part Four gives a short summary of the thesis.

















