Abstract Body language plays a critical role in our daily communication, and it has been widely used in language teaching. Based on the description of the background and previous studies of body language, this paper conducts a preliminary investigation into the problems in primary school English instruction. Then the advantages of using body language are discussed, which shows that body language can be an effective way to cope with current teaching problems and a great assistance to teachers in achieving better teaching effects. In addition, different types of body language, principles of applying body language and specific use of it in teaching are presented in detail.61210

Key words: body language; primary school English teaching; application



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Problems in Primary School English Instruction 3

3.1 Inactive Atmosphere of English Class 3

3.2 Lack of Confidence in Speaking English 4

3.3 Lack of Learning Interest 5

4. Advantages of Using Body Language 5

4.1 Stimulating Interest in Learning 5

4.2 Creating a Harmonious Class Atmosphere 6

4.3 Developing Students’ Confidence 6

5. Specific Use of Body Language 7

5.1 Types of Body Language 7

5.2 Principles of Using Body Language 8

5.3 Application of Body Language in Different Aspects 9

6. Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction

     In China, traditional education pays too much attention to instilling knowledge into the students. Such force-feeding teaching brings up the students who have high marks but low ability (Tai Yuanyuan, 2014: 1205). English teaching aims at developing the students’ abilities of communication, and cultivating their comprehensive abilities to use language.                       

     We use body language in our daily life, so do teachers in their classroom teaching, especially in English classroom teaching. As a part of non-verbal communication, body language also as important as spoken language or written language. As is known to all, classroom teaching is one kind of communicative activity between teachers and students. In class, most of students are often more attentive to what teachers do than what they say, especially students in primary school. They are curious about everything that their teachers do. What’s more, most of students have the limited understanding of foreign cultures, so teachers have to try their best to think of as many ways as possible to stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm. Teachers can simplify their teaching language with the help of body language to arouse students’ interests, so that they can learn better. In addition, the characteristic of theory and abstraction of knowledge also require vivid, dramatic, and accessible gestures to make it more specific and figurative. 源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/

















