Abstract Desire under the Elms is a great tragedy by Eugene Glastone O’Neill. Based on the theory of Freud’s psychic analysis, this paper intends to analyze the causes of Eben’s Oedipus Complex and the relationship between Eben and Abbie under its influence. It reveals tragic results brought about by the Oedipus Complex. In the end, Eben and Abbie abandon everything including the tempting farm and their son, which to some extent is a great victory of their love. It also points out that Eben’s Oedipus Complex is the root of his own tragedy. 61211

Key Words: Eugene Glastone O’Neill; Desire under the Elms; Oedipus Complex 

摘 要《榆树下的欲望》是尤金·格拉斯通·奥尼尔笔下一部伟大的悲剧。以弗洛伊德的精神分析理论为基础,为了爱情,他们可以舍弃一切,包括他们一直想要的农场和他们的孩子,从某种意义上来说,是他们爱情的伟大的胜利。本文旨在通过对伊本身上俄狄浦斯情节产生的原因以及在其影响之下伊本和爱碧之间的关系的分析,深刻揭示俄狄浦斯情节引起的悲惨结局并指出伊本的俄狄浦斯情节是其自身悲剧产生的根源。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Eben’s Oedipus Complex in Desire Under the Elms 2

3.1 Eben’s material love for his mother 2

3.2 Eben’s hatred to his father 3

3.3 The mixed emotions between Eben and Abbie 5

4. The Tragic Result of Eben’s Oedipus Complex 7

4.1 The tragedy of the father-child relationship 7

4.2 The tragedy of brotherhood 7

4.3 The tragedy between Eben and Abbie 8

5. The Causes of Eben’s Oedipus Complex 9

5.1 Eben’s family background and experiences 9

5.2 The influence of social environment 10

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

Eugene Glastone O’Neill (1888-1953),as one of the most important writer of American drama (Tao 206), he writes many famous plays including Desire under the Elms. "Desire under the Elms,a tragedy in three parts by Eugene Glastone O’Neill is the last of O’Neill’s naturalistic plays and the first in which he re-created the starkness of Greek tragedy."(Encyclopadia Britannica).

The Oedipus complex originates from the Greek mythology. The double crime of Oedipus didn’t come to light until at last a plague breaks out in Thebes with the oracle being consulted. Jocasta put an end to her own life, and Oedipus, seized with madness, tore out his eyes and wandered away from Thebes. And this is the legend of King Oedipus and the origin of Oedipus Complex, which refers to a person who loves his mother, unnaturally.

Oedipus Complex is a term in psychoanalytic theory put forward by Sigmund Freud. In Interpretation of Dreams, Freud defines the Oedipus Complex as “sexual impulses toward our mothers, and impulses of hatred and violence toward our fathers”(157). That is, during the period of children’s sexual development, they begin to seek sexual subjects from the outside world. Their parents are their first choices with mother as the boy’s choice and father as the girl’s choice. However, it isn’t negative. Freud believes that most men can conquer their Oedipus Complex, because we “have since our childhood succeeded in withdrawing jealousy of our fathers”(157).

















