Abstract As is known to all, English is an important tool of thinking, also a display of one’s language communication competence and ability. As the foundation of learning English, English reading is being paid more and more attention to. The key to improve reading ability lies in cultivating and training students’ reading skills, which includes development on students’ understanding level and improvement on reading speed. This paper studies on how to improve students’ reading abilities by analysis of students’ English reading strategies and reading skills. Firstly, teachers are available to answer questions; secondly, key points are highlighted clearly in textbooks; lastly, teachers can impart some reading strategies. So, as a middle school teacher, a variety of teaching methods are required in the process of teaching. Once we can improve students’ interest in learning English, there will be greater tendency for them to learn it better.61489

Key words: English reading; cultivating and training;            reading understanding and ability




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 The Definition of Reading 1

2.2 Related Theory about Reading 2

3. Background of Middle School Students on English Reading Comprehension 2

3.1 Demands of New English Curriculum Standard 3

3.2 Characteristics of Middle School Students 4

3.3 Problems Analysis on Learning English Reading 4

4. Factors of Reading Text Effectively 5

4.1 Motivation in the Reading Acquiring 6

4.2 Fluency in the Reading Skills 6

4.3 Great Habits Developed in English Reading 7

5. Process on Improving English Reading 8

5.1 Important Information to Master before Reading 8

5.2 Strategies Taken in the Process of English Reading 9

5.3 Ways of English Reading 12

6. Conclusion 14

Works Cited 16

 1. Introduction 

     Reading is a communication tool and is the foundation of any other part of language. Students should be taught in reading comprehension. They need read more besides their own  reading materials in their texts. Whether reading texts or after-class materials, students may  come across many new words and phrases, and thus can improve their spoken language skills and writing abilities. Reading also requires our knowledge and experience. Reading comprehension is the further research of the meaning of texts. Such meaning emerges from the interaction between reader and text, between the knowledge, skill and motivation of the reader and the text which has a specific intention, structure and degree of difficulty. Richard et al. define “Reading Comprehension” as “the whole understanding resulting from a written text”. There are different types of reading comprehension according to the reader’s purpose in reading: literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, critical comprehension and appreciative comprehension”. (Richard, J. Platt & Weber. H, 1985: 238)源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















