Abstract With the rapid development of society and economy, advertising has penetrated into every corner of our lives. Advertising,a commercial application of the English language, has its own unique style and function in language and high value of research. English Advertising takes advantage of a variety of figures of speech to make language beautiful, humor and vivid. As the most common rhetorical device, analogy is widely used in English advertising, which plays an indelible role in the advertising language. The paper mainly discusses three kinds of analogies—simile, metaphor and metonymy, and their applications in English advertisings. According to the characteristics of English Advertising language and other factors, the paper probes into translation strategies of figures of speech in English advertising, in order to give enlightenment to the English ad translators, to make the function of post-translational advertising language achieve the greatest degree of reproducibility.61490

Key words: English advertising; simile; metaphor; metonymy; translating strategies 

摘要随着社会经济的快速发展,广告已经渗透到我们生活的每一个角落。广告英语是一种商业应用性语言,它在语言上有自己独特的文体和功能,具有很高的研究价值。广告英语运用各种修辞手法使语言优美、幽默、生动, 比喻是广告英语中常见的修辞手法, 比喻修辞的艺术广泛应用于英文广告之中,其在广告语言中起到了不可磨灭的作用。本文主要介绍了明喻,暗喻及转喻三种比喻手法及其在广告英语中的应用。针对英文广告语言比喻修辞的特点以及影响因素,探讨了英语广告比喻修辞的翻译策略,以期给英语广告翻译工作者以启示,实现翻译后广告语言的功能达到最大程度的再现。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Applications of Analogy in Advertising English 3

3.1 Simile 3

3.2 Metaphor 5

3.3 Metonymy 6

4. Translation Strategies 7

4.1 Following Skopos Theory and Equivalent Translation 7

4.2 Adhering to the Unity of “Faithfulness” and “Creativity” 9

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction 

With the further development of economic globalization, more and more products of foreign companies enter the Chinese market. In this process, as the necessary means of spreading information, winning credibility and establishing brand image, advertisements play an underestimated role. The purpose of advertising is to arouse the interest of consumers and attract them to buy goods. Advertising English often take rhetorical devices which are different from modern English to enhance the initiative, artistry and appealing of advertising. From the linguistic point of view, the limited nature of the language can achieve unlimited stylized one under the catalyzing of appropriate rhetorical devices. With the continuous development of advertising, more and more scholars began to focus on advertising style, analyzing its form, function, and expression effects. As one of the most common figures of speech, analogy plays an especially important role in English advertising.

     The paper is organized in five parts. The first part is introduction introducing the major content of the paper. The second part clarifies related studies and accomplishments. The third part in detail explains applications of analogy in advertising English with examples. The fourth part shows strategies of the translation of English advertisements. The last part summarizes the whole paper.源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















