Abstract Gone with the Wind is set in the southern society during American Civil War, when the black liberation movement broke out. However, in the novel the slaves neither have the liberation consciousness nor fight for freedom for themselves. Mitchell respects history and points out the inevitable trend of the abolition of slavery, but she does not attach due importance to the slaves’ desire for personal freedom in the novel. As a white writer who experienced the black liberation movement, Margaret Mitchell has ingrained slave consciousness, which is decided by her class limitation. Based on the analysis of the social background of Civil War and the author’s experiences, this thesis aims to explore the causes of the setting up of the three different types of blacks. A study will be conducted on slavery from the class limitation of the author, economic interests of the South and necessary abolition of slavery. Finally a conclusion can be reached that the author does not reflect the true life of the blacks and distort the slaves’ unremitting efforts for freedom.61646

Keywords: Margaret Mitchell; Gone with the Wind; Civil War; black images; slavery 




1. Introduction 1

1.1 About the author 1

1.2 About the novel 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Researches abroad 2

2.1 Researches at home 2

3. The Setting up of the Black Images in Gone with the Wind 3

3.1 The blacks of the moral type: Mammy and Uncle Peter 3

3.2 The blacks of the confused type: Prissy and Sam 4

3.3 The blacks of the violent type. 5

4. Causes of setting up these black images 6

4.1 The class limitation of the author 6

4.2 The economic interests of the South 7

4.3 The necessary abolition of slavery 8

5. Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction 

1.1 About the author  

Gone with the Wind is the only novel of Margaret Mitchell who takes ten years to write. Due to the surrounding adults especially love talking stories occurred during the Civil War, these splendid and moving memories give her a profound influence, so the author involves her emotional experience to the novel. 

It can be said that the prototype of the character Scarlett is Mitchell herself. Like Scarlett, Margaret was born with a rebellious temperament. When she was 18 years old, she met a young officer -- Cleveland, Henry Ford. She soon fell in love with him. Henry is a handsome man with poet’s temperament, and this man may be the character of Ashley in Margaret’s mind. However, war took away the life of the young man, and also brought pain to Margaret’s life. This is probably the source of Scarlett’s hot and crazy love for Ashley. Mitchell establishes such a role in honor of her first lover. Her first unfortunate marriage resulted from getting married with a ruthless and alcoholic man impulsively. Then she married John Marsh who supported her to complete Gone with the Wind in writing. As the author notes: “She has never really understood her love to any one of the two men, so she lost both of them.” This is a summary of Scarlett’s love, and also the author’s love. 源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















