Abstract  The new curriculum standards proposed student-centered educational assessment philosophy, focusing on the formative assessment’ impact on students’ development. This paper reviews the concept of the new curriculum standards as a guide. Starting from the theoretical framework of formative assessment to the teaching of English reading at senior high school, it studies the specific construction of formative assessment in English reading teaching at senior high school. Self-assessment, peer-assessment and teacher’s assessment are used in pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading separately to evaluate students’ reading learning to fully reflects the attitude of students to English reading teaching, processes of learning and outcomes of  learning. Formative assessment can help to stimulate and develop student interest in reading, expanding reading knowledge, develop good reading habits and form effective learning strategies, then to encourage students to correctly use assessment tools and the results of assessments in the learning of reading. Meanwhile, formative assessment can also help teachers to adjust teaching content and methods.61652

Key words: English reading teaching at senior high school; formative assessment;  assessment; theoretical framework; construction; effect         




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Theoretical Framework 3

3.1 Formative assessment 3

3.3 Models of formative assessment 3

3.4 Feasibility of formative assessment in English reading teaching at senior high school 4

4. Construction of Formative Assessment in Senior High School English Reading Teaching 5

4.1 Formative assessment in pre-reading 5

4.2 Formative assessment in while-reading 6

4.3 Formative assessment in post-reading 9

5. Positive Effects Brought by Formative Assessment 11

5.1 Positive effects of self-assessment 11

5.2 Positive effects of peer-assessment 11

5.3 Positive effects of teacher’s assessment 12

6. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

 1. Introduction

In the English-language learner's learning environment, reading is the most important language input. In the process of reading teaching, students learn under teacher’s organizations, help and guidance. Teachers need the guidance of the assessment to judge whether students have finished teaching objectives. Teaching assessment is an important basis for teachers to get feedback from teaching ,and to improve teaching management to ensure the quality of teaching as well as the effective means for students to adjust the students’ learning strategies ,and to improve learning methods to improve learning efficiency to achieve good outcomes.Besides,the new curriculum standards set specific requirements for senior high school students' English reading ability , in addition to the requirements for understanding of the chapter and obtaining of information, as well as the vocabulary mastery in the traditional sense, new curriculum standards also proposed that students can master the reading strategies and skills, cultivate cultural interest in reading, use multimedia to improve reading ability and other requirements.

















