Abstract With the continuous development of science and technology, computers are more widely used. In order to absorb advanced computer technology in foreign country, more and more people pay attention to the translation of computer terms. However, due to the long-term isolation with Mainland China, Taiwan has formed its own unique regional culture, which affects the features of language in Taiwan. In this case, the translation of computer terms in Taiwan is also obviously different from that in Mainland China, which even has become the obstacle of cross-strait exchanges in the aspect of computer technology. Based on the definition of terms, this thesis introduces the general principles of computer term translation. In addition, this thesis attempts to explore the causes of cross-strait cultural differences from historical and social perspectives to analyze the translation differences of computer terms on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.61661

Key words: computer term translation difference; Taiwan; Mainland China




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Relevant Study 2

2.2 Introduction to Computer Term Translation 3

3. Analysis on the Causes of the Cultural Differences between Taiwan and Mainland China 5

3.1 Analysis from the Historical Perspective 6

3.2 Analysis from the Social Perspective 7

4. Translation Differences of Computer Terms Influenced by Cultural Differences 8

4.1 Different Translation Methods Influenced by Cultural Influences 9

4.2 Different Translation Features Influenced by Cultural Influences 11

5. Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

 1. Introduction

With the integration of cross-strait science and technology, the translation of scientific and technological terms, especially computer terms, has played a very important role in the exchanges of computer technology. Therefore, researching different translations of computer terms influenced by cultural differences between Taiwan and Mainland China may promote the cross-strait scientific and technological exchange and cooperation. 

In China, however, most of the research is about the influence of English-Chinese cultural differences on translation. There are few researches conducted on the translation affected by the cultural differences between Taiwan and Mainland China, so more researches should be made in this field. 

Obviously, translation correlates closely to culture because translation is not only a kind of language transformation but also a kind of cultural exchange at deeper level. Eugene A. Nida, a famous American translation theorist, considered that in general, the most serious mistakes in translation are not made by using improper words to express but by making wrong cultural assumptions. “In the final analysis, most of the problems in translation are originated from the obstacles caused by differences between two languages.” (Nida, 1982:294) Similarly, when dealing with different translations of the same language in different areas, like Chinese language in Taiwan and Mainland China, we also should focus on cultural differences. Due to many reasons of history, politics, geography, there are some differences in the translation of computer terms between Taiwan and Mainland China. Take “database” for instance, which means the way used to store data in the computer. In Mainland China, the translation of it is “数据库”, while it is translated to “资料库” in Taiwan. 源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















