Love Philosophy and Effects

Love philosophy has always been the focus of many subjects. In western academic circles, although there’s not much empirical research on the view of common people's love philosophy, but whether in theory or research methods, the achievements of the study of love in foreign countries can’t be ignored. 

2.1 Brief Introduction of Love Philosophy

External researches in love philosophy take exploring the nature of love as the breakthrough point to study the concept of love from the types of love, love is marriage foundation, love fate, a romantic attitude and love expression. The research about type of love is the focus point of the foreign views on love. 

Researchers believe that the type of love is people’s attitude towards love who is in a romantic relationship, it’s the embodiment of people's idea of love. Therefore, in a sense, the research on the type of love is the study of love philosophy.

2.2 The Definition of Love and Love Philosophy

The definition of love depends on different people, time, and situation. The definition of love on the dictionary is: “strong emotion, warm dependent behavior, attraction based on sexual.”(黄芳田,2001). Scholars at home and abroad define love in different aspects. Rubin (1970) is the ancestral in studying love, he found that the love between lovers is not the same as like, which simply show appreciation for other’s specialty. The connotation of love includes adherence, attention and intimacy. 文献综述

Some of the scholars count love as a measure of social contact, which takes people in and out marriage, love is close relationship which is very different from deep friendship and marriage. Sternberg (1986) mentioned in “triangular theory of love” that successful love should be like this: intimacy increases over time, passion will quickly reach the peak in the place where they met, and promises grow with each passing day until the peak. Lijun Shen from Taiwan (2002) consider that love is multidirectional, no definition can conclude all its connotation. But love can hardly separate from the attraction between men and women, along with the accompanying intimate actions. Yilin Li (2002) believe that love is a feeling, and also a quiet complicated psychological phenomenon. Love is an instinct which develops through social learning, role imitation and observation, so, love differs from man to man. 

With the theories above, we can conclude that love is strong feeling which people feels when they’re in relationship, they care for each other, they miss each other, they’re willing to pay for each other and they’d like to keep the marvelous relationship. Love philosophy is personal thought, mood and action during the relationship.

















