Abstract Hawthorne called his masterpiece The Scarlet Letter as “ Psychology Romance”, he paid much attention to the psychological description. So this thesis will research the psychological description in The Scarlet Letter from direct description and indirect description and pide the two kinds of descriptions into different parts to illustrate the unique effects of the psychological description to the novel.62041

Key words: Hawthorne; psychological description; direct description; indirect description; 




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Direct Description 2

3.1 The Internal Monologue 2

3.2 The Expression of Emotion and Intuition 3

3.3 The Description of Illusion 5

4. Indirect Description 5

4.1 The Description of Action and Expression 6

4.2 The Description of Language 7

4.3 The Effects of Portrayal of Scenes 8

5. Conclusion 10

5.1 The Effects of the Psychological Description 10

5.2 The Enlightenment from The Scarlet Letter 11

Works Cited 12

 1. Introduction 

Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) was born in Salem, Massachusetts, where he spent many years of his youth. After graduation, he returned to his mother’s house in Salem for writing. He stayed for some time at Concord and Lenox, where he met the great literary figures of that time, Emerson and Thoreau and Melville, and he was deeply affected by them. Zhang Boxiang and Rong Shu said: “ Hawthorne was the first American novelist to develop truly native and American settings, characters, and even plots in his works.” He was deeply influenced by Puritanism but meanwhile he tried to resist it and his minds were shown in The Scarlet Letter. As Hawthorne’s life experience and later experiences, he owned complicated world outlook and unique creative ideas. This novel was his best work, one unique romantic masterpiece, tells a simple but moving story in which four people living in a puritan community are involved and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways. This psychology romance created a new age in the psychological description and was praised highly by later generations. Ironic, implicit and compact style is a prominent characteristic in The Scarlet Letter, the plot is simple and the structure is clear, especially the use of the psychological description makes the novel more attractive.

2. Literature Review

Over these years, many scholars and critics have commented on The Scarlet Letter from different angles. For example, Shi Xiaoping, he analyzed the contradiction of the main characters from the angle of the human nature especially Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth and considered that The Scarlet Letter reflected the harm of puritanism to people and the pursuit of happiness in people’s heart. Shi xiaomei discussed the multiplicity of the writing skills in The Scarlet Letter, and she also refered to the relationship between the psychological descriprion and the environment. Liu Guozhi and Zheng Qingqing researched the symbol and prototype of the wilds, and refered to the forest and its meaning. Wang Jian had a discussion of the real sinner and the moral meanings of the letter “A”. Bian Jun also discussed the psychological description in The Scarlet Letter from the personality of the main characters and wonderful psychological description. But this paper intends to research the psychological description in The Scarlet Letter from direct description and indirect description so that we can provide a different view to understand this masterpiece that is called “ psychology romance” more deeply.源:自*优尔~·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















