摘要欧·亨利小说以其独特风格流传于世,最著名的概括便是“含泪的微笑”。欧·亨利的小说包含了美国社会百态:日常生活,宗教,文学,饮食,节日等,可以说欧·亨利的小说就是二十世纪美国社会的缩影。欧亨利对日后中西方小说产生了巨大影响,其作品亦成为翻译的热点。本文拟从欧·亨利著名短篇小说 《麦琪的礼物》,《警察与赞美诗》的王永年译本和李文俊译本的比较入手,分析中西方文化差异对翻译的影响。62101

毕业论文关键词: 欧·亨利小说;中文译本;文化差异对翻译; 影响

1. Introduction 1

1.1 O Henry and His Works 1

1.2 What O Henry’s Works Contain 1

1.3 The Reasons for Analyzing Wang’s Chinese Versions and Li’s Chinese Versions 2

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Cultural Difference 2

2.2 Translation 3

2.3 The Relation of Culture and Translation 4

2.4 Significance of Studying O Henry’s Works 4

3. The Comparison of O Henry’s The Gift of the Magi 4

3.1 The Similarities of Two Chinese Versions 4

3.2 The Differences of Two Chinese Versions 5

4. The Comparison of O Henry’s The Cop and the Anthem . 6

4.1 The Similarities of Two Chinese Versions 6

4.2 The Differences of Two Chinese Versions 8

5. Conclusion 9

5.1 The Major Findings 9

5.2 Limitations of the Thesis 9

Works Cited 11 

1. Introduction 

1.1 O Henry and His Works 

O Henry (1862-1910), formerly called William Sydney Porter, was an American writer. He used to become a painter and he started to write under his wife’s encouragement after marrying. He was put in prison because of financial problems. While in prison, he started to write short stories under his pen name--O Henry and his novels had been gained comprehensive attention from readers very soon. He was an productive writer as he wrote one long story and about three hundred short stories. O Henry’s works focused on describing the life of middle- and lower-class people, and the words inside are very humorous. The most remarkable, well-known and popular part of Henry’s works is the surprising endings. 

In all, O Henry wrote two hundred and seventy stories, and they consist of a rich mixture of semi-realism, sentiment, and surprising endings. Though he is frequently thought of as a funny writer, O Henry was, like Runyon, capable of addressing the darker side of life--“A Municipal Report ” and “The Furnished Room” are two such stories. The first of his stories, Cabbages and kings, appeared in 1904 and became an immediate success. With the publication of his second book, The Four Million (1906), he has hailed as the discoverer of romance in the streets of New York. Other collections followed,including : The Trimmed Lamp (1907),the heart of the west (1907), whirligigs (1910), sixes and sevens (1911), rolling stones (1912), and Waifs and Strays (1917). he died of tuberculosis, complicated by alcoholism and diabetes, in 1910.    

1.2 What O Henry’s Works Contain 

















