Abstract With the increasing global trading, the characters of the products are becoming more and more obvious. The brand name is expanding with development of the commodity exchanges. The main obstacle of brand name translation is the different cultures. The cultural differences are represented by the forms of language. To avoid translation mistakes and misunderstandings, translators are required to learn more about the different cultures in eastern and western in order to create brand names that can be accepted by the local consumers. From the aspects of the cultural differences, this paper analyzes the causes of the different cultures between western and eastern and the influences caused by these cultural differences. Finally, some recommendations for the brand name translation will be raised on the basis of the common translation theories.62106

Keywords: brand name; cultural differences; influences; recommendations



1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Research 1

1.2 The Value of the Research 1

1.3 The Layout of the Paper 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Previous Studies of the Brand Name Translation 2

2.2 Definition and Features of A Good Brand Name 3

2.3 Functions of A Good Brand Name 4

3. Causes of Cultural Differences 5

3.1 Social Value Differences 5

3.2 Religious Beliefs Differences 6

3.3 Different Usages in Numbers 6

4. Influences of Cultural Differences on Brand Name Translation 7

4.1 Regional Surroundings 7

4.2 Views on Things 8

4.3 Thinking-Pattern 8

4.4 Views on Colors 9

5. Recommendations 10

5.1 Transliteration 10

5.2 Semantic Translation 11

5.3 Free Translation 11

5.4 Logo-Oriented Translation 12

6. Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14 

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

Recently, the global characters of the brand name are becoming more and more obvious with the increasing of the global economic exchange. Brand has been the sign of products and is the production of the developments of economic society. Since China entered into WTO, most enterprises have begun to realize that they should try to make efforts to design some creative and effective brand names so that they can open the local market successfully. The translated brand names, as the symbol of the goods in the local market, should transfer both the information concerning the features and the functions of the goods and the cultural connotation. That is to say, the brand name translators should keep the information in mind during the process of the brand translation and try to make the brand name accepted by the people from all over the world. 

















