Abstract As a saying goes: “People rely on apparel as beauty relies on good make-up”, Clothing has always been a necessity as well as food and beverages. Dress culture is a cultural phenomenon unique to human beings. For a long time, clothing is a special culture which affects the development of China and the USA. Because of the different aesthetics ideas, different dressing concepts and different dress etiquette in China and the USA, there are so many different connotations and characteristics of dress culture. The use of different colors, decorations, design styles and fabrics can reflect the cultural differences between the two countries. Economy, politics and culture also affect the dressing culture. The importance of clothing, the history of Chinese and American clothing, the factors which influence the dressing culture are also included in this thesis. 62107

Key words: dress culture; different features; factors

摘要俗话说:“人靠衣装,美靠靓装”, 服饰已经与食物和水一样是必须品。着装文化是人类的一种特殊文化现象,一直以来,服饰就作为一种特殊的文化影响着中美的发展,因为中美穿着文化中不同的审美观,不同的穿着理念和不同的穿着礼节,中美着装中存在着很多不同的隐含义和穿着风格, 不同色彩的使用,装饰上的差异,设计的风格以及面料的选取都能体现出中美两国的文化差异。经济,政治和文化同样也影响着两国的着装文化,这篇论文还分析了促成这种不同文化的因素。 



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. The History of Chinese Dress and American Dress 4

3.1 Why People Wear Clothing..............4

3.2 The History of Chinese Dress..5

3.3 The History of American Dress...6

4. Cultural Differences Between Chinese and American Clothing.7

4.1 Design..7

4.2 Color8

4.3 Pattern and Ornaments.8

4.4 Material....9

5. Factors Causing the Differences Between China and America10

5.1 The Political Reason..10

5.2 The Economic Reason...11

5.3 The National Characters of Chinese and American...12

6. Conclusion...13

Works Cited.14

1. Introduction

With the development of global economy, clothing industry has been infiltrating through every field of the society and has become one of the essential parts in people’s life. Costume culture is a respect of our physical and spiritual life and a mixture of our psychological activities like consciousness, emotion and idea. Clothing is a kind of culture that reflects a nation's cultural quality, mental outlook and material civilization development. Dress as a reflection of national cultural literacy, mental outlook and material civilization development degree of culture, plays an important role in interpersonal communication. Dress is one of the most important visual objects. Recently multiculturalism has been outstanding and the conflicts between China and the USA have been increased. Different countries have their own special dress styles, which reflect the different social and cultural characteristics. China is an ancient country with a history of five thousand years while the United States is a self-proclaimed democratic state of economic development of emerging powers. Clothing differences between the two countries reflect the values of the two countries in thinking of cultural differences. Recognizing the culture of the two countries is extremely important when we study the similarities and differences of costume culture between China and the USA.源:自*优尔~·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















