Abstract 1984,written by English novelist Orwell George, is a political fable in the form of a novel anti-totalitarian. Most critics comment on this work from a political point of view. The novel is not only a political novel, but it is also a novel about the self-existence of human being. From the perspective of existentialism, through the interpretation of Winston's action, love and freedom in the novel, the paper attempts to explain the existence of no meaning. 62125

This paper firstly briefly introduces the absurdity of the society under Sartrean Existentialism,which is out of order and full of irrationality, thus leading to the lack of people’s thoughts. Then, it focuses on the choice making from the points of view of Existentialism, including Orwell’s opinions on looking for self and humanistic freedom. Orwell feels boring and hopeless in real life, so he has to look for his dream life in the novel. Next, the influences of making choice under the Existentialism are discussed. The paper focuses on the Existentialism in 1984, and tries to reveal the author's view. If free choice is made by existentialist, the life meaning would be found more. In the end, the conclusion is made to summarize the author's point about the societal phenomenon at that time and the thought about the future.

Key Words: Existentialism, absurdity, living condition

摘要英国小说家乔治.奥威尔的《1984》是以政治寓言形式写成的一部反极权主义的小说。 大多数评论家都是从政治的角度来评论这部作品。该小说不仅是一部有关政治的小说,同时它也是一部关注人自我存在问题的小说。从存在主义的视角,通过对该小说中主人公温斯顿行动、爱情、思想自由限制的解读,旨在阐释无存在意义的生存状态。



Acknowledgments i

Abstract ii

摘要 iii

1 Introduction 1

2 Absurdity of the Society under Sartrean Existentialism 3

2.1 Disorder in Oceania 3

2.2 Irrationality of Life 5

3 Choice Making from the Points of Existentialism View 7

3.1 The Desire for Freedom 7

3.2 Orwell's Choice 8

3.3 Choice of Intellectuals 8

3.4 Looking for Self 9

3.5 Looking for Humanistic Freedom 10

4 Existentialist Results of Making Free Choice and Actions 12

4.1 Extrication from the Dilemma 12

4.2 Realization of Existentialist Values 13

5 Conclusion 15

Bibliography 16

 1 Introduction 

Existentialism is a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the inpidual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will. It is produced after the First World War. The First World War is the beginning of the destruction of the European bourgeois civilization although it is far away from the end. With the advent of the modern era, human has entered into an irreligion stage of history. At that time, human has unprecedented rights, science and technology, and civilization, but people also find that they are homeless, especially in spirit. If someone lost his faith, which contains everything, human would have nothing and become a fragmented existence. Human has no sense of belonging that they feel to be an outsider of the society. In this way, human puts themselves alienated. 源:自*优尔~·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















