Traditional English teaching is under the pressure of university entrance exam. It lays particular stress on imparting knowledge and takes the teacher as the center. The basic teaching mode is: teachers speak while students listen to; teachers write while students copy. Teachers always teach English as knowledge and skills and split it into small isolated English language knowledge. They also heavily depend on the interpretation of grammar knowledge and focus on students' academic performance. As a result, they ignore their students’ comprehensive qualities, in particular to ignore the attention to students' emotional attitude (Xu Jianfang, 2008).The phenomenon causes the student to study English lack of enthusiasm and initiative and produces weariness.

In the past 30 years, emotional teaching mainly focuses on students' cognitive development and gives full consideration to play the positive role of emotional factors to complete the teaching goals in order to improve teaching effect. Emotional teaching is the process of both cognitive and emotional factors are working together to complete the process of the teaching goal. Although the specific definitions of emotional teaching in China and abroad are different, as to emotion can affect teaching and the opinion that teachers take charge of emotion that can make the reasonable teaching toward the benign development of identity is the same. Therefore, the general English educators should work hard to study emotional teaching theory and method and to explore the emotional teaching in junior middle school.

1.2 The Content and Purpose of the Research

Emotional teaching has characteristics of mobilizing students study enthusiasm and improving students learning efficiency and it helps students to form good learning attitude. It is in line with the ongoing English curriculum reform spirit and conforms to the requirements of the new lesson mark and English curriculum reform. However, it can be the key to achieve the desired effect. However, whether junior middle school English teachers can grasp the spirit of the new curriculum reform? Whether emotional teaching exists in English Class? How to promote the Emotional English teaching? The problem is lacking of researching. This study applies to investigate 11 junior high school English teachers in which the paper writer surveyed the internship through the combination of questionnaire and inpidual interview method and tried to know about the junior middle school English emotional teaching present situation and hoped to make some contribution to the development of new curriculum reform and English teaching.

1.3 The Significance of the Research

Emotion is a necessary element of teaching. Emotional teaching is to motivate students' vigorous emotion and eliminate negative emotions and the main channel to accelerate the progress of students' healthy personality. English is a communication implement of human emotional communication. If it can't build a relaxed atmosphere of emotional communication in class, it would be not succeeded in teaching English. In this sense, the teaching process is also the process of communication. Therefore, English teachers ought to play dual roles, they are not only teachers of English knowledge, but also should be directors of creating a lively, folksy and comfortable classroom atmosphere. This kind of atmosphere can make students use English to chat with each other more relaxed.

In English teaching, the emotion is one of the teaching goals and also one of the means of teaching. Humanism emphasize that we should show more respect for people. More and more people realize the importance of the emotion in English teaching and emphasize the attention to student's emotions. Therefore, the fundamental significance of this research is to properly handle the relationship between affective ability and cognitive ability in junior middle school. What’s more, we should try to realize the value of the emotional education. It has crucial practical significance on optimizing the junior middle school English classroom teaching process, constructing active lessons, cultivating the desire of students' ability of autonomous learning and promoting the development of students’ personality.

















