2. Literature Review

2.1 Characteristics of Emotional Teaching

Teaching is a basic way of the school to imply education. In this activity, the teacher is the educator, dominance in education; it is the object of education; students are in the educated subject position. Formal teaching is under control by teachers playing the leading role and students playing main body role in order to make students toward the direction of the training objective of education. This is a kind of particular human activity. Both sides of the activity are human which are flesh and bloody and emotional inpiduals. So the educational activities are mediated by cognitive message and teaching activities is always inseparable from the person's inherent emotional factors. Teaching can be involved as "a process of dynamic interpersonal communication between teachers and students in the aspects of rational and emotional.”(Bruner,1984) It can also be seen as a "dynamic process of interaction associated with personality and social psychology phenomenon of emotional power and cognitive power.”(Chavez & Cardenas, 1980) However, in the long time of teaching implementation of human activities, the role of emotional factors hadn't been paid more attention and has not been established its due position in teaching.

 So-called "emotional teaching”, from the most basic meaning, refers that during the teaching process, the teachers should be in the enough consideration of cognitive factors at the same time and give enough play to the positive role of emotional factors, in order to realize the teaching target and to promote teaching process. This is the real teaching that people as educators should to do to the people educated. (Lu Jiamei,1993 )文献综述

2.1.1 The Emotional Factors for English Teaching

In English teaching, students, teachers and teaching material are working together with each other. Therefore, the emotional factors in English teaching must be associated with all three.

1) The emotional factors on the teacher

Teacher as an important instrument in the procedure of English teaching, the emotional factors have an important effect on the teaching results and quality of English teaching. In English teaching, when the teacher is full of sense of accomplishment and teaching passion, it often can be an infection to students so as to drive an active classroom atmosphere. When teachers are in the negative teaching, classroom atmosphere would become depressed. Students naturally wouldn't be attracted in learning English.

2) The emotional factors on the student

Student, as the main body, the emotional factors directly influence their learning behavior and learning effect. Any inpidual learning are based on specific purposes, it embodies the desire of learning. What’s more, only based on it, the students’ ability of language learning can be persisted. So, the motivation of learning English is one of the important emotional factors when students are learning English.

3) The emotional factors related to the teaching material

The content of the English teaching material is perse and has a wider range, educators reflect the practice of human activities and cognitive achievement in the writing of teaching materials and make the teaching material have stronger modernity and ideological content. Thus the teaching material reflects the will of the educators in the textbooks and reveals educators’ corresponding emotion. These become the teaching material’s own emotion. Teachers should pay attention to seize these emotions in the teaching activities and expand English teaching contents, so as to make the classroom atmosphere more active and colorful and achieve better teaching effect.

















