1.2 Organization

There are four parts in this paper, the first part is introduction, the second part analyzes difference in the commercial between China and America, In terms of the ideology, psychological, habits and other aspects. The third part analyzes the reason of difference, the fourth part is countermeasures of adaptability of TV commercials in advertisement communication, the fourth part is a conclusion

1.3 Significance of this Paper

America is a super business empire, China is the largest developing country, studies the differences of television commercials can help us to avoid misunderstandings and communication barriers in different cultural environment, and emphasize the common value . So as to implement differentiated communication strategy.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Definition and Characteristics of Advertising

Advertising is nothing but a paid form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor with a view to disseminate information concerning an idea, product or service. The message which is presented or disseminated is called advertisement. In the present day marketing activities we can hardly find that there is any business in the modern world which does not advertise. There are mainly four features.  Firstly, It is directed towards increasing the sales of business. Secondly, Advertising is a paid form of publicity. Thirdly, It is non-personal. They are directed at a mass audience and nor at the inpidual as is in the case of personal selling. Fourthly, Advertisement is identifiable with their sponsor of originator which is not always the case with publicity or propaganda.   

2.2 Studies of TV Commercials Abroad and at Home

Commercial advertising as an economic information and cultural information which disseminate activities has become the external representation of the Western and Chinese cultural differences. Between different countries and nationalities have different culture, different cultures also resulted in differences values between countries and people, their thoughts, behaviors and emotions are all subject to their values of the constraint(Lu Xiaolin,2011:49-50). According to the exist research, Psychologist Edward Sapair defined value as "the basic human needs of mental performance," it is one of the ideas that the wishes of the people for the things, Value can restrict people's perception(Jandt. Fred E,2004:35-36), thinking, emotion, mental activity. different cultural groups have different value orientation, with their own value to adapt the mental map and ways of thinking, value also restrict people's behavior, provide people general norms of behavior .in different situation people choose different behavior to react, they are all constrained by their value.来.自/优尔论|文-网www.youerw.com/

Differences in value between Western and China fully reflected in the advertising communication, and thus differences in value also become the core of the study of cross-cultural advertising communication. With the development of technology, TV commercial advertisements are becoming a major form and carrier of the economic and cultural dissemination of information in today's environment of globalization, by comparison of the specific direction of China and American TV commercials, to grasp the difference , understand the differences, it will help us to know more about ourselves and more effectively to carry out cross-cultural advertising communication activities, in particular, it will be very meaningful for the field of business adverting communication.

3 Difference in TV Commercial between China and America

Mainly reasons to difference of intercultural communication in commercial advertisement is the difference of the Mother culture and differences in ideology, social psychology, history, culture, religion, customs, and language in other differences cultural.

















