Keywords   MTI students   expert translators   translation process   MTI teaching


Table of Contents

1.  Introduction 1

1.1 Significance of the Study 1

1.2 Research Questions 1

1.3 Structure of the Study 2

2.  Literature Review 2

2.1  Studies on Translation Process 2

2.2  Studies on Translation Strategies 3

2.3  Comparisons between MTI Students and Expert Translators 3

2.4  MTI Teaching 4

3.   Methodology 6

4.  Result and Discussion 7

4.1  Translation Strategies 7

4.2  Comparison of MTI Students and Expert Translators 8

4.3  Several Findings on MTI Teaching 10

Conclusion 14

Implications of the Study 14

Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 15

Acknowledgements 16

Bibliography 17

Appendix 19

1. Introduction

1.1 Significance of the Study

Recently, with the expansion of MTI enrollment, there have been increasingly more and more MTI students who are yet unclear about the qualities they need to be expert translators and how huge the gap between them is in a sense because of the late start of MTI in several universities. As a result, an enormous number of MTI students have graduated or are facing job hunting even without an overall conception of their postgraduate studies and the market needs.论文网

In the meanwhile, researches on MTI teaching, from the perspectives of colleges and universities, in the ascendant, have taken consideration of such factors as training pattern, teaching methods, curriculum provision, as well as translation competence or literary development. Nevertheless, few surveys or researches have been conducted based on investigation of both the demands of market, especially the expert translators, and the current situation of novices represented in the survey by MTI students still studying on campus, leading to some blind major course design, lack of innovation, and porce from market demands.

It is commonly acknowledged by education scholars that curriculum provision and innovation are supposed to be based on learners’ demands. Thus, the research is aimed at summarizing the similarities and differences between experts and novices, including strategic use, translation context, translation style, translation speed, the quality of target text and so on, thereby reflecting the disadvantages of translation teaching, with the ultimate purpose of accelerating the transformation from student translators to translation experts.

1.2 Research Questions

The research is designed to find answers to the following questions:

RQ1: What are the similarities and differences between MTI students and professional translators during the translation process? What kinds of text-processing strategies do they adopt respectively? 

















