There is such an investigation implemented by Lorscher(1996: 26-32) in which strategies employed by “professional and non-professional translators(foreign language students)” are compared. It is proposed that, “although the two groups do not differ qualitatively in their use of translation strategies, they do differ quantitatively, such as in the frequency and distribution of the strategies adopted”.
Jaaskelainen(1993), based on Lorscher’s definition, points out a categorization of translation strategies differentiating between local and global strategies, the former applying to specific items(i. e. linguistic units) while the latter to the whole task. On the basis of this distinction, in her study she claims that “the frequency of using global strategies by professionals and semi-professionals (translator trainees) are much higher than by non-professionals”. 来!自~优尔论-文|网
By collating the principle achievements of researches on translation competence, Li Ruilin(2011: 46-51) summarizes the major distinctions between “the initial state and the target state of translator competence”, namely the novice and the expert translators. For translation orientation, the former focuses on code or symbol, while the latter on sense. For cognitive environment, the former is mainly language, while the latter concerns the circumstance of task, ecology, as well as society. For intellectual structure, the former is static, fragmental, whereas the latter deploys the dynamic and systematic underlying knowledge. For the quality of target text, the former has obviously negative shift from the ST with a lack of social intercourse, whereas the latter accords with professional criterion.
These findings are flourishing but not comprehensive enough. Therefore, the research will collect and integrate the similarities and differences from an overall perspective of strategic use, translation context, translation style, translation speed, the quality of translation text, the role of mother tongue, translation unit, and dictionary use, so that MTI students can get a full-scale knowledge to better promote themselves.