Abstract Through ages, people worship hero, envy hero, and desire to be heroes. Hero is an eternal topic of mankind; however, its definition varies with times, ethic culture and personal differences. Today’s world is becoming a global village due to the unprecedented development of communication and transportation technology. Thus interpersonal communication becomes more and more frequent which brings great transmission and impact on various culture. In the culture, the heroic image can be most easily transmitted and accepted. Heroism, as a kind of ideology, also belongs to the category of culture which reflects culture values. This paper takes the leading characters of two novels “Sun Wukong” and “Harry Potter” as an example which respectively analyses the differences between Chinese and Western heroism from three aspects: Chinese and Western definitions of heroism, development profile of the two heroes, the heroic similarities and differences between Sun Wukong and Harry Potter, which conduces to further understanding of the significance of intercultural communication.69715

Keywords: Chinese and Western Heroism;  differences; intercultural communication; 


毕业论文关键词: 中西方英雄zhuyi;差异; 跨文化交际


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Definition of Oriental heroism and its development profile 2

2.2 Definition of Western heroism and its development profile 3

3. Heroic Similarities between Sun Wukong and Harry Potter 5

3.1 Similarity on origin 5

3.2 Similarity on experience 6

3.3 Similarity on yearn for freedom 7

4. Heroic Differences Between Sun Wukong and Harry Potter 9

4.1 Difference on image 9

4.2 Difference on emotional view 10

4.3 Difference on moral value 12

5. Conclusion 13

Works Cited…...15

1. Introduction

Each culture shapes its own unique hero. Essence of hero lies in works when the humanity face with each kind of irreversible consequences concerning the whole body of mankind. Hero produces positive struggling spirit and inspires ordinary people to have the courage to break through predicaments. Therefore, hero worship can only grow out of human society and always carry on from generation to generation in human society. This article will discuss the roots of Chinese and Western heroism culture to explain the reasons for the difference between Western heroism and Chinese heroism.The world popular fantasy novels Harry Potter series have been translated into many languages whose selling record hits nearly one hundred million, promoting another hot wave of myth novel once again in the world. Journey To The West written by Wu Chengen in Ming dynasty is also a representative masterpiece of the magical novels in ancient China. This novel told story of Sun Wukong’s growth and long-suffering pilgrimage to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures. There are a lot of similarities and differences between Harry Potter and Sun Wukong in the process of their characterization. Through the success of the comparison and analysis of representative works of Chinese and foreign God-evil novels, the paper manages to find the general form of the heroic image which will be good reference for the image of the protagonist in Chinese and Western literature in the future.

















