Although so many scholars, experts and other scientists have done many researches on fuzzy language, we still have some problems not exactly figured out. For example, we still cannot define “fuzziness” precisely, which push us to do more analysis on fuzzy language. What I have done in this article is to analyze pragmatic functions of fuzzy language systematically, positive and negative, present the use of fuzziness in many fields, such as business, science, second language learning and the comparison of these uses.论文网


2. Literature Review

Fuzzy language has attracted more attention and participation these days, and more and more scholars or experts as well as scientists are exploring the features of “fuzziness” from different perspectives.

In my dissertation, more focus are put on linguistic aspects in which pragmatics is at the core. In 1923, B.Russell firstly put forward “fuzziness” as a natural phenomenon in his article “vagueness”. England scholars Brown and Levinson delivered “Universals in language usage, Politeness phenomena, firstly exploring this aspect systematically from three perspectives, which aroused great attention and was considered as an important part of pragmatics. It was G.Lakoff who put forward this argument, but a little bit general, so gaining little attention. Then Brown and Levinson made it more specific and systematic. Linguists like Wu Tieping, He Ziran and Yu Ruzhen have also done many researches about the pragmatic functions of fuzzy language accelerating the study of its denotation, connotation and expression in our daily life for many fields which I am going to explain in detail.

There are also some problems about fuzzy language remaining to be solved.

Firstly, although there are many researches about fuzzy language in different aspects, we still cannot figure out its accurate meaning, that is to say, we cannot give fuzzy language an exact definition that everyone agrees.

Secondly, there is no apparent line between vague language and fuzzy language and it’s difficult to differentiate fuzziness from ambiguity, hedges and some other terms. Some researchers think the notion of vagueness is bigger than fuzziness, but nobody can exactly and profoundly elucidate them.

Thirdly, many experts have discussed pragmatic functions of fuzzy language, but many researchers concentrate on its positive functions, in which negative functions are almost neglected. Therefore, there are still a lot of researches to do in the future.

3. The Presentation of Fuzzy Language 

3.1 Definition of fuzzy language

In our daily communication, we use fuzzy words consciously and unconsciously which all the time we use them but we do not know exactly why we are employing them or can we have some theoretical bases.

Wu Tieping, a linguist, once noted in “fuzzy linguistics” that so many words in human language were not precise which were so-called “fuzziness”. Ronald R.Yager held the view that “fuzziness” was devoid of distinct limit between a proposition and its opposition, namely if the meaning of a notion was more faraway from its opposition, it would be more pinpoint, but if it was not , it would be fuzzy. 

Also, a Chinese expert Wang Anshi held his own stance that the nature of fuzzy words was of different boundaries if the words reflected features in different limits, and then its meaning is fuzzy.

Different definitions have been made by different specialists. Although no consistent approbation is met by experts, we can still acquire knowledge about theories of fuzzy language and do more researches based on them. Moreover, we can conclude its definition from its superficial meaning as common people do that fuzzy language is inaccurate, imprecise and unfaithful. 

3.2 Types of fuzzy language文献综述

Fuzzy words refer to those words that make listeners far away from accurate information such as kind of, sort of, etc. They have specific semantic features and pragmatic functions. It is often finite for subjective people to understand the objective world due to their unclear memory about objective mattes, then reflected in language, its meaning becomes fuzzy such as perhaps, about…

















