Domestication, it was firstly put forward by Edmund Rich. It means that, the essence of translation is not simply changing the language forms but to transfer the language forms and deliver the culture together. In 1984, Holz-Manttari used intercultural cooperation to refer translation. He pointed out that, translation is an activity cross the different culture and advised those scholars to abandon the idea that loyal to the text but to loyal to the culture. In Hawks’  work.

The German classical linguists Schleiemcher said that, there are only two ways to translate. One is “the translator leaves the author in peace as much as possible, and moves reader towards him.”, and the other one is “the translator leaves the reader in peace as much as possible, and moves the author towards.”The American translator Venuti put forward “foreignizing method” and “domesticating method” in “The Translator’s Invisibility” in 1995.And then, he hold the idea that the translator should preserve the difference of the words and style to preserve the characteristics of the original work and culture to emerge the readers in the exotic environment.


 Foreignizing translation, it derives from culture equivalence. In this point of view, when the   original language is greatly different to the target language, the translators should take the foreignizing translation strategy to reappear the culture of the original language. Culture equivalence means culture respect. If we just cater to the readers and change the original content, it doesn’t respect the original culture. Therefore, to respect the original culture and the original creativity, we can even take the method of cultural reappear to truly reflect the foreign culture.来`自^优尔论*文-网

Literary review: Lin Xuefei has studied the natural images in the essay of Lu Xun in the 2009 from the point of appreciation of beauty. Gao Yuan studied the comparative poetics between China and the West from the cognitive perspective to explore the new methods of developing the poems. The natural images are the carriers of the motions of the poets and by studying the natural images can help us see the inner world and their conditions of the poets while they were doing the creative works and even know their aesthetic taste and artistic ideal. What’s more, there are many researches of the domestication and the foreignizing translation. Professor Sun Zhili said for certain that the dominant translation strategy of literature in the 21st century will be the foreignizing translation. He also said that, we must know what to say and what not when we use the foreignizing translation. When it doesn’t work, maybe we still need to use the domestication to help us translating and put them exist side by side and play a part together. Cai Ping said that, actually the domestication and the foreignizing translation are not mutual exclusive. They can be combined and used by us to improve our translation work.

Chapter two: Then, let’s take the “A Dream of Red Mansion” as an example to see how these two translation strategies influence the translation and their influence on the culture broadcast.

















