English curriculum standards for senior high school (2013) pointed out, instructional design shall comply with characteristics of students ‘physical and mental development, following the basic rules of language learning, to meet the different types, different levels of students’ needs and strive to bring full play of student’ s potential ability. For this reason, educators have to continue to learn about the theory of knowledge, and explore new teaching methods, observing students and taking advantage of the potentials of students to give students adequate space for personal development, so that students can be actively and easily devoted into the classroom and become masters of the classroom.论文网

This “student-centered” point of view is the same as the perspectives of Howard Gardner. Howard Gardner believes that people are quite different in the potential of cognitive style and intelligence. The students have their own set of strengths and smart strategies they can take advantage of. Treating everyone with unified learning

modes, or treating inpiduals with learning modes they do not like, will result in inefficient consequences. An effective approach is first to assess each person in order to design intelligent contour. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences for the realization of this concept provides a strong theoretical foundation, a novel and effective guidance. Therefore, its exploration and research are necessary. English grammar is the difficult point in English learning, the theory of multiple intelligences can be used as an important means for teachers to teach students English grammar.

2. Literature Review

2.1 The concept and content of grammar

There are many kinds of grammar. From the perspective of history, grammar can be pided into descriptive and prescriptive grammar. Prescriptive  grammar  is also called traditional grammar. Prescriptive grammar tends to make the rigid rules of language use; while descriptive grammar is often based on language facts, reporting language facts objectively, systematically expounding generated sentences and understanding the rules of the sentence. From the perspective of syntax description of objects, grammar can be pided into the synchronic and diachronic grammar. Synchronic grammar description is for the rules of the language during a period and diachronic grammar describing the development of the change of the language rules.

As for the purpose of describing, grammar can be pided into teaching grammar, reference grammar and linguistic grammar. Teaching grammar is written for the purpose of grammar teaching; Reference grammar is a reference grammar book provided for teachers and researchers of teaching, researching and students’ learning. Linguistic grammar is a kind of grammar written by the linguists and based on their understanding of grammar concepts.文献综述

Chomsky thinks “grammar is a set of systematic rules about how to use and understand the formation of sentences” (Chomsky 137). British famous educator   and

writer Scott described the syntax as “a language system, which provided the vocabulary how to combine and press for a certain order to form a sentence”( Scott T. 265). Ann Batko, described more details of the syntax. She thought that grammar is the basic principle and the structure of language, including the correct sentence structure and the correct form of the words. Researchers and practitioners who are engaged in language teaching mostly agree with Ann white’s opinion.

2.2 Dynamic grammar teaching research abroad

The status of grammar teaching in the foreign language teaching is constantly changing. Since the 1990s, the status of grammar in foreign language teaching caught the attention of the scholars again.

Grammar teaching originates form Grammar-translation Method, which centers on grammar. In this method, teachers use native language teaching, focusing on changes, analyzing the composition of sentences and pronunciation, vocabulary and Grammar rules.

















