A Study on Teacher's Positive Feedback in Primary School English Class Abstract This paper takes Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis and Humanism teaching methods as theoretical basis to investigate teachers’ positive feedback’s influence on students’ self-confidence, learning motivation and language anxiety. In this paper, classroom observation and recording, questionnaire and interview will be adapted to investigate the relationship between teachers’ positive feedback and students’ affect. This paper aims to discuss three questions: 1. What’s the present situation of positive feedback on English classes? 2. Whether different ranges of students should use different positive feedback strategies? 3. Whether teacher’s positive feedback can boost students to do better in learning English?71147

Keywords: positive feedback; students' affective factors; primary school English class; suggestions   


摘  要本文基于Krashen的情感过滤假说,以及人本zhuyi教学法关注学生情感为理论基础,探究教师在课堂中的正反馈行为对学生的自信心,学习动机以及语言焦虑等情感因素的影响。本文采用问卷调查,访谈,以及课堂观察和录音的手段,对文一街小学五年级英语课堂的教师的正反馈进行研究。本论文旨在探讨三个问题:1.了解小学五年级英语课堂中正反馈的现状。2.教师的正反馈对学生的学习产生什么积极影响?3.不同层次的学生是否应该采用不同的正反馈方式?

毕业论文关键词:正反馈; 学生情感因素; 小学英语课堂; 教学建议 


1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Significance of the Study 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Definition of Feedback 1

2.2 Definition of Positive Feedback 1

2.3 The Classification of Positive Feedback 1

2.4 Theoretical Basis 2

2.5 Researches at home and aboard 3

3. Methodology 4

3.1 Research Questions 4

3.2 Research Subjects 4

3.3 Research Instrument. 5

3.3.1 Questionnaire 5

3.3.2 Classroom Observation and Recording 5

3.3.3 Interview 5

3.4 Data Collection 6

4. Results and Discussion 7

4.1 Results and Analysis of Questionnaire 1and Classroom Observation 7

4.2 Results and Analysis of Questionnaire 2 8

4.3 Results and Analysis of Interview 9

4.4 Final Discussion 10

5. Conclusion 12

5.1 Possible Findings 12

5.2 Suggestions on Teachers’ Positive Feedback 12

5.3 Limitation 13

References 14

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

   Classroom is a crucial environment for language learning, which makes the English class more active is the communication between teachers and students. Teachers’ feedback, whether positive or negative, is an essential part of classroom interaction. It is known that language learning is the target of communication in classes, which relates to the complex SLA process, which concludes the complex process of itself, teacher talk, students’ affective areas, the environment of language learning and so on. In foreign language teaching class, teachers, as the mediator of language learning, can greatly influence students’ language learning, but not simple knowledge teaching. Since 1960s, the educationalists, psychology linguists and the expect CarlR. Rogers Scovel Gardener has begun to pay attention to the importance of each student’s affective state. They think that the affective states of the students can directly affect their language behavior and language learning effect. (Rogers CR. 1969:203-210.) At the same time, they also have a research on the affective factors and affective theory of language learning. In primary school English class, teachers’ positive feedback can promote language learning interests and students’ participants, which can provide a positive and friendly environment for improving the students’ affective states. (Scovel T. 1978(3):129-142.) 论文网

















