Abstract At present, English Advertisement is getting more and more attention, which promotes the development of this industry, at the same time, people are getting more and more interested in the study of metaphor. Metaphor is very persuasive and it can effectively convey its sales philosophy of advertisement . Metaphor is not only a rhetorical means but also a way of thinking and  cognition. It can help consumers recognize and associate the characteristics of the new products so as to meet the goal of persuading consumers to buy them.  Firstly this paper introduces the theoretical basis of metaphor and advertisement.Then the paper mainly discusses the three main functions of metaphor in English Advertisement: rhetoric, cognitive and social function.  In terms of rhetoric function, metaphor can make advertisements more concise and inspiring; In terms of cognitive function, metaphor can make advertisements more concrete and acceptable; In terms of social function, metaphor can make advertisements more euphemistic and less offensive.71164

Keywords: English Advertisement; metaphor; function

摘要目前,广告英语越来越受到关注,这也促进了这一行业的发展,与此同时人们对隐喻的研究也更加感兴趣,隐于具有很强的说服力,可以有效的传达广告上的销售理念。隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段, 还是一种思维方式、认知手段。 它可以帮助认知、联想新产品,最终达到说服受众购买产品的目的。首先,本文介绍了隐喻在广告中运用的理论基础,然后文章重点探讨隐喻在英语广告中的三个功能:修辞功能,认知功能和社会功能。在修辞功能方面,隐喻可以使广告更简洁,更鼓动人心;在认知功能方面,隐喻可以使广告更具体,更容易被消费者接受;在社会功能方面,隐喻可以使广告更委婉,减少冒犯性。

毕业论文关键词: 英语广告;隐喻;功能


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. The theoretical basis of metaphors in advertisement 2

3.1 The metaphorical theory 2

3.2 The connotation of advertisement 3

4. The rhetoric function of metaphor in advertisements 4

4.1 Making advertisements more concise 4

4.2 Making advertisements more inspiring 5

5. The cognitive function of metaphor in advertisements 6

5.1 Making advertisements more concrete 6

5.2 Making advertisements more acceptable 7

6. The social function of metaphor in advertisements 8

6.1 Making advertisements less offensive 8

6.2 Making advertisements more euphemistic 8

7. Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction 

     Metaphor is ubiquitous, it exists in our lives and language. In the expression of daily English, more than half of the languages use metaphors. Metaphor is the basis of the emergence and development of language and social culture. As a part of the cognitive linguistics, metaphor has made great development in recent years. The study of metaphors has has been expanded from rhetoric study to multi-perspective study and today, English advertisements also adopt metaphorical expressions to introduce the characteristics of products , making the advertisements more attractive and acceptable. Since ancient times, rhetoric is pervasive in English language and literature, the use of rhetorical devices greatly enrich the effect of language, it cannot only make the advertisement more vivid, but also make it more concise and acceptable. Nowadays, the advertisement develop quickly , more and more means and medias are applied to it. But no matter how it changes, the most powerful means of expression of advertisements is still the language. A successful advertisement should have visual and auditory effects, also,it should be concise, inspiring, concrete and euphemistic to catch people’s attention. With the development of Reform and Opening up Policy and the globalization of the world’s economy, more and more Chinese people begin to know English advertisement. In English advertisements ,metaphors are widely applied to promote a commodity, it helps to spread information of commodities or describe the feelings of consumers after using them, metaphors not only increase the vitality and pleasure of the advertisements , but also make the goods receive good popularity and leave a strong impression to consumers, so that advertisements could ultimately achieve the purpose of disseminating and selling goods. A successful advertisement not only use concise words and sentence patterns but also use the metaphoric techniques to catch people’s eyes in order to sell their products.来,自|优;尔`论^文/网www.youerw.com

















