Abstract  Language acquisition is affected largely by learners’ affective factors. Affective education is the part of educational process that concerns itself with feelings, attitudes, beliefs and social development of pupils and their self-esteem. Anxiety is the most crucial one among the affective factors. There are many studies suggesting that foreign language reading anxiety has close relationship with language-learning process. In this paper, the writer studies the effect of anxiety in English reading on English scores in college entrance examination and finds out English reading anxiety has negative effects on English scores by data analysis based on the questionnaire surveys of 103 high school graduates. Given this, English teachers should pay more attention to students’ emotion, cultivate their reading interests, full play the positive role of assessment in order to eliminate students’ anxiety in teaching process, and only in this way, can it intrigue students’ confidence in examination and get good marks.71165

Key words: reading anxiety(RA); college entrance examination(CEE);            affective factors

摘要语言学习在很大程度上会受到学习者情感因素的影响。情感教育是教育过程的一部分,而且与孩子的情感,态度, 信仰,社会发展联系在一起,也与孩子的自尊联系在一起。焦虑是情感因素中的关键一项。 许多研究表明, 外语阅读焦虑和学习过程之间有紧密的联系。 在此文章中笔者研究英语阅读焦虑和英语高考成绩的关系,并通过对103位高中毕业生做调查问卷得来的数据进行分析,发现焦虑对成绩有消极的影响。鉴于焦虑对成绩的影响,英语老师在教学过程中应该更加注意学生的情感,培养他们学习的兴趣, 充分发挥评价的积极作用,以此来降低学生的焦虑,只有这样才能增加学生在考试中的自信息并且取得好的成绩。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Survey Research 3

3.1 Questions 3

3.2 Subjects 3

3.3 Instruments 3

3.4 Data collection 4

3.5 Results 4

4. Reasons of English Reading Anxiety 5

5. Englightments and Suggestions on English Teaching 7

5.1 Help students build up self-confidence, and lower affective filter. 7

5.2 Strengthen cross-culture education. 8

5.3 Strengthen cooperative learning to reduce English reading anxiety. 9

5.4 Employ formative assessment in teaching 10

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

Appendix 1 15

Appendix 2........................................................................................................ 16

1. Introduction 

     In view of the importance of English reading in English study and students’ social life, English education in China has been giving priority to the development of students’ comprehension ability. However, decades of English teaching has not solved the problems encountered in English reading that why mastering many reading strategies still can not guarantee good marks in English reading tests. Plenty of researches have also been done on English reading from different points in order to find an approach to this problem. Some researchers try to find causes from the point of students’ vocabulary and grammar which help us learn the importance of these two factors in English reading. Nevertheless, this kind of research ignores the psychological and cognitive process of English reading. Learners’ affectivity proves to be the most potential and unavoidable variable affecting the language learning output. The New English Curriculum follows this trend and emphasizes “students’ affection and the attitude” are the key factors in the language learning (Experimental, Full Time Compulsory Education General Senior Middle School English Curriculum Standard, 2011). 

















