During 2005-2015, more and more scholars pay attention to this area. Yeligang published the paper called The Translation of Food Trademarks under the Perspective of Cognition. (Ye 21) He thought that trademark translation was a kind of cognitive process. He studied the embodiment, interactivity and concordance of food trademark translation. Among them, studies from the perspective of the strategy of translation are of the most interest. In the course of research, it is found out that some predecessors, both abroad and domestic, have done great and provoking jobs associated with this topic in one way or another. Begin with 2010, some scholars probe into this field deeply. Introduction to Food Trademark Translation Based on the Rhetorical Perspective (Zhou,Zhu 99) is a good example. The thesis analyzed the rhetorical devices when translating food trademarks, for example: echoism, alliteration, homophony and so on. These scholars take some influencing factors into consideration and look for the information hided behind the trademark translation. 文献综述

     Skopostheorie makes food trademark translation studies more systematic and comprehensive. Food trademark translations are very scarce, and in the existing relative researches, they just focus on some sporadic translation methods, wrong translation or inadequate translation, all of which lack systematic integration and are normally lopsided. Starting from the height of whole theory, the application of skopos to food trademark translation will analyze the different text with different purpose and adopt some corresponding translation strategies. In doing so, we can not only find the right theory basis for food trademark translation, but further make the research become an organized and systematic study. Although the scholars’ studies have some defects and limitations, they have made a lot of contributions for us. We should continue to discuss and find more on the basis of these researches. And taking the past topics into consideration, I think there is still much room deserved to exploring. So I tend to study specific examples from the Skopostheorie perspectives.

3. Applying Skopostheorie to the Translation of food trademarks   

3.1 The advantages of Skopostheorie in the translation of food trademarks

     Skopostheorie is popular in recent years, and is welcomed by many experts and scholars. Because its characteristics is relatively suitable for the application of literary style   translation practice, it has also been applied in translation studies in many fields, such as some film subtitle text, advertisements, publicity, etc. Now people apply it to food trademark translation studies for it can be helpful to explore further development of translation.

     In Skopostheorie, Skopos can ensure that the translation gets close to the target language instead of the complicated source language, and the receiver in this way can understand the meaning of the food trademark much easier than before. Thus, Skopos can create an amiable atmosphere as well as the familiar language context for the consumer so that when they see the food trade mark they can’t help linking these words to something similar in their daily lives. So, if I were the consumer, I would also fall in love with the food whose descriptive characteristics are exactly the same as I had expected. And this kind of food trademark has local culture to attract the customers. 来,自|优;尔`论^文/网www.youerw.com

         Skopostheorie makes food trademark translation more professional. Food trademark translation study is ofteAn classified into the merchandise Translation study or the up-level application text study. As a result, all the researchers can do is to sum up the common characteristics of this kind of translation but neglect the special traits of the trademark translation. If we use this generality to guide the specialty in the goods, it is bound to fail. So, to conduct the thorough research for the special food trademark translation can let us better understand the characteristics of this kind of translation, and upgrade the translation practice efficiency, thus producing more detailed and specialized translation study in this field.

















