Abstract As a branch of literature, fantasy literature has a very unique nature and a  majority of the audience. Fantasy literature advocates free fantasy and unfettered ideas. Therefore it is also very popular in China. Translation work of fantasy literature plays a vital role in promoting the spreading of fantasy literature in China. This article is based on the functional equivalence theory as the theoretical basis. We will generalize and appreciate the flexible application of translation strategies in the literature, analyze the translation difficulties and coping strategies of fantasy literature. And we will also carry on the further discussion about the choice of translation strategy that combined with the many specific cases appeared in “Harry Potter”. We are hoping to arouse interest of translation theory and practice of fantasy literary works , so as to promote the development of fantasy literature.71469

Keywords: Fantasy literature; Functional equivalence theory;Translation strategies; Harry Potter 




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Origin of fantasy literature 2

2.2 Studies on translation strategies 3

3. Case Features and Translation Difficulties 4

3.1 Features of fantasy literature 5

3.2 Difficulties in fantasy literary translation 5

4. Theoretical Basis for the Practice of Translation 6

4.1 Translation principles and features of functional equivalence theory 6

4.2 Fantasy literary translation principles 7

5. Analysis of Specific Cases 8

5.1 Synopsis and characteristics 8

5.2 Discussion of translation strategies 9

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction

Fantasy literature is a kind of imaginative literature form which is full of fantastical imagination. It is famous for its powerful and unconstrained style of writing, it can be very dark; can be very bright; can be very humiliating or glory; can be very evil or justice.There is no doubt that fantasy literature is an unforgettable literary form which can let a person place himself among them. In fact, many foreign magical novels have its historical background as the backing, and the national culture and regional are inseparable. Such as "Harry Potter" series, many things involving western mythology and pagan thought is mastery therein, and I also believe that we will experience deeper meaning after further reading. Fantasy literature itself is really mysterious, which is a symbol of imagine wings. That the imagine wings let us enjoy the exploration of the unknown magical palace. Fantasy literature is so fascinating, therefore it becomes fairly popular after being introduced to China. Millions of Chinese youth were charmed by the magnificent magic world. However, there is only a minority of Chinese youth choose to read the original. Most of them can only be exposed to the fantasy literature by reading translations. In such a situation, the translation work of magic literature becomes a difficult task that requires a high level of translation strategy. The main target audience of magic literature are the so-called younger generation. So many educated translators need to consider two important things: fashion and fun. Not just loyal to the original. Since young people are more willing to get pleasure and fun from the works. While they were reading the translation they would feel like that they are conducting a magnificent adventure. A successful translator can also be a great creator if he really knows what the readers want. Therefore, improving the social interest and attention of the Chinese fantasy literary translation theory and practice is very important.Fantasy Literary Translation Methods need further study and strengthen.

















