Abstract The social reality that men and women are treated unequally was found everywhere in English. The word”sexism” was coined in the feminist movement in America in the 1970s. There is a lot of sexism in the world even when it comes to kids toys. Virginia Woolf is one of the most outstanding writers, theoreticians and critics of 20th century. Being considered as the founder of the modern Stream of Consciousness, she is also a pioneer of the western feminist movement. Mrs. Dalloway is considered as the representative works of Virginia Woolf in which her technique of stream-of-consciousness has reached its peak. The novel also embodies her distinctive and unbreakable feminist perspectives, as well as the emergence of the feminist consciousness.71714
Key words: women; “Mrs. Dalloway”; feminism; Woolf
Expectations of women— Feminism in “Mrs. Dalloway”
1. Introduction3
1.1 Background 3
1.2 Literature review4
1.2.1 Related research on “Mrs. Dalloway” 4
1.2.2 Virginia Woolf and feminism 4
1.3 Research methodology 5
2. Feminism in “Mrs. Dalloway” 7
2.1 The war and female8
2.2 The depressive lesbian 9
2.3 The revolt of female under the oppression of paternity 10
2.4 The comfort power of female 13
3. Conclusion 14
4. Reference15
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
When it comes to the 21st century, there are still some discrimination and oppression towards female in all over the world. No matter in the cities, suburbs or countryside, and no matter in developed or developing countries, female still suffer from various violence and discrimination. Even though there are many laws and regulations are enacted in order to protect the rights of female, some of women still are the victims of the patriarchal society. As we can see, except the visible facts, the intangible power is more influential to the situation towards the group of female. That is to say, the intangible traditional conception has been deeply hidden in people’s minds, which is hard to get rid.
The word ”sexism” was coined in the feminist movement in America in the 1970s. There is a lot of sexism in the world even when it comes to kids toys. Society expects girls to grow up, have a baby, and do housework. That's why toys like the "Miracle Baby" are made. They want little girls to think "I want a real baby when I'm older." We grow up seeing ads on television for cleaning products targeted at women, hearing conversations about how one day we will have children, having our mothers teach us how to cook while our fathers teach our brothers about cars, etc.
“Mrs. Dalloway” tells a story that Mrs. Dalloway, as the Mrs. National parliament, held an upper social class party at her house in one day of 1923. The main framework of the novel started with the morning purchasing of Mrs. Dalloway for the required stuff of the party (Liu, 2014). The author didn’t directly describe the whole process of purchasing, but describe the person’s thinking. It seems like that the story is about the process of holding party of Mrs. Dalloway, but actually it is about the whole life of Mrs. Dalloway, including her characteristics and the journey of her heart.
1.2 Literature review
1.2.1 Related research on “Mrs. Dalloway”来*自-优=尔,论:文+网www.youerw.com
“Mrs. Dalloway” has been researched a lot at home and abroad after its publication in 1925. These researches are various in perspectives of literary criticism and discussions of the creative writing skills in this novel. Among them, the most commonly adopted are the methods of psychoanalysis, sociology and feminism. In term of psychoanalysis, it made by most critics on “Mrs. Dalloway” proves something in common. That is to say, they are common in focusing on the following perspectives: Woolf’s mental illness, her knowledge of Freud and his followers and her attitude towards psychology, Woolf’s alternation in writing features and the novel-creation driven by the impact of psychoanalysis. Karen Demeester (1998), in the “Trauma and Recovery in Virginia Woolf’s ‘Mrs. Dalloway’”, discussed that the human being nature and both the policial and social institution that come from and reflect that nature should be the reasons of Septimus’s death. However, Clarissa is left much unexplored. Some critics pay more attention on the sexuality in this novel, such as the love of Clarissa towards Sally Seton. In some literatures’ opinions, Clarissa’s isolated feelings are due to the suppressed lesbian partly. Apter (1984) focused more on the process of the characters’ self-realization in her article “self-defense and self-knowledge” without realizing that the influence of society is over the inpidual in the process. 论文网