What kind of subject does translation really is? Different people have different opinions。 In 1971, the French scholar Goffin ever created new words Traductologic which equaled to Translatology in English。 Also, there was someone used Translation Studies to represent the subject of translation。 Others used Science of Translation to represent the subject of translation。 In our China, Lin Yutang used Science Translation to represent the subject of translation in the early 20s and 30s of the last century。论文网

   Translation is not easy work。 Different people have different translation to the same sentence。 “Translation contains different mental activities such as language, thinking, problem solving, memory, conceptualization, learning, information processing, perception, understanding, re-expression etc。, which makes translation a complex phenomenon。”(Analysis and training of the required abilities and skills in translation in the light of translation models and general theories of translation studies)

Therefore, some translation principles and theories have come out。 There are a lot of translation principles and theories,including western translation theories and Chinese translation theories and so on。

There are many famous people create theories and principles for translation。 Here I mainly want to talk about some translation theories mainly Scopos theory and principles’ application in advertising translation。 

2。 Literature review 

2。1 The history of translation in China 

    The earliest translation activities in China date back to the Zhou dynasty(1100。BC)。At that time, the government clerks assumed the responsibility of translation the transmission of ideologies。 Then in Han dynasty, Buddhism began to penetrate China toward the middle of the first century。 It needed to be translated into Chinese to meet the need of Chinese Buddhists。 In the fifth century, a State Translation School was founded for the purpose of translation of Buddhist scripture。 In this period of time, the primitive translation theory in China came out。 It consisted literal translation vs free translation。 "Accuracy and smoothness" were taken as criteria。 And the most important figure of this period was Xuan Zang who made a journey to the west and was the first Chinese translator translating out of Chinese。 From the Yuan to the Ming dynasty, the translation of sutras lost importance。 In the mordern time, one of the most important figures of translation was Yan Fu(1853-1921)。 He won his reputation as a famous translator also as a result of his contribution to translation theory。 His translation criteria were "Faithfulness, Fluency and Elegance," which influenced Chinese almost half a century。 ""Faithness" requires that the meaning in the target language should be faithful to the meaning of the original; "Fluency" is the requirement of intelligibility of the target language text, the translated text should be in accordance with the language rules of the target language; "Elegance" requires a translation to be esthetically pleasing。"(中国翻译理论与实践简史http://www。docin。com/p-92264436。html)Another figure during the Qing dynasty was Ma Jianzhong。 "In 1894, he set forth three requirements for a good translation in his On Establishing a Translation Institution, namely: A translator should have a good mastery of the two language。 There should be no discrepancy between the source text and the target text。 The target text is required to be identical with the source text。"(中国翻译理论与实践简史http://www。docin。com/p-92264436。html) Besides Yan Fu and Ma Jianzhong, there were also some other people putting forward their translation criteria, like Lin Yutang , Lu Xun, and so on。文献综述

2。2 The history of translation abroad

















