Second, there are differences in the spirit aspect。 Western culture is more open than Chinese culture, and they care more about inpidual than Chinese。 So western people is dependent, their ability to solve problems is stronger than Chinese people。 Chinese people prefer to be modest but in another culture they think every one is equal in the world so if your translation is too polite, they will feel uncomfortable。 Moreover, different religion also leads to the culture difference。 For example, "Leave no stone unturned" means try ones best to do something, but if we just pursuit the fidelity rule, than it will be funny to say "翻遍所有的石头”。 It can not follow the skopos rule in the skopos theory and the translation is also not right and can not be accepted。 And people have different eye of beauty among different cultures。 Their logical thinking is also different。 While if you want to sale your product to the customer, it is important to satisfy their sight of beauty。 So it is important to consider about the need of the consumers。 Because it is the ultimate goal of advertisement。 In China, when people talk about beauty, what comes to their mind is balance, symmetey。 People like to take advantage of a scene to express one's emotion。 They will put a lot of their own feelings to the outside world。 For example, "Besides reading, corresponding with bosom friends can somewhat delight me, for I can write whatever I like in the letter, desultory trifles maybe。 Yet I need not weigh my words or tones in a manner as refined as speaking publicly, nor do I have to structure the letter in a way as precisely as composing a dissertation。 My pen tracks my mind wherever it runs。 Thus those words in my letter are indeed the spontaneous overflow of my personality, and the true voice of my heart。 I enjoy such a release when dropping a line, and I believe my friends may enjoy likewise when reading those lines。” These words are plain and describe the fact。 When translated into Chinese, it should be “书是我的恩师。没有书,就没有我的今天。——也许我早就委身于沟壑。书是我的良友。它给我一把金钥匙,诱导我打开短浅的视界、愚昧的头脑、闭塞的心灵,它从不吝惜对我帮助。书是我青春的恋人,中年的知己,暮年的伴侣,有了它,我就不再愁寂寞,不再怕人情冷暖,世态炎凉。它使我成为精神世界的富翁。”  As you can see, Chinese characters care more about the beauty of the sentences。 And it cares less about the structure and the grammar。 Third, the last but not least factor is the difference in the geographic culture。 People live in different areas experience different environment, so they have different habits and customs。

















