2。2 Studies at abroad

Kanous (1981) thought that praise is a positive assessment of the performance, academic grade, or some kind of behavior quality of the other party in The semantics of praise。

Jennifer Henderlong and Mark R。 Lepper (2002) pointed out the sense of autonomy, hermitage, self-efficacy, sincere, behavior standards and expectations are five important factors in affecting influence of praise in The Effect of Praise on Children’s Intrinsic Motivation: A Review and Synthesis。

Skinner (1981) believed that a person's language learning is decided by the reward and punishment made by the outside world。 When some kind of behavior is rewarded, the frequency of this behavior will increase。 The stimulus-response theory explained that the teacher's praise is helpful to stimulate the students’ learning motivation in The Effects of Positive and Negative Verbal Feedback on the Intrinsic Motivation of Male and Female Subjects。

2。2 Studies at home

Domestic research on the performance of praise is late。 Since 1980s, some researchers have made some preliminary exploration on this aspect。 

In Praise is not Without Danger -- Comment on Classroom Praise Evaluation, Xia Xinjun (2010) believed that praise refers to teachers’ positive and appreciating value judgment on students’ positive learning behaviors or results through their body language and oral expression, which enables the student to have the definite and positive learning information, and sets up the students’ learning self-confidence education strategy。 In The Charm of Praise Education, Zhang Tingting (2011) mentioned that praise needs the co-participation of teachers, students, parents and the whole society。 Even if different teachers praise in the same way, and the effect will not be the same。 Therefore, teachers should constantly improve their self-cultivation, give play to the praise education with their own good personality charm。 In On Students' Praise of Art, Jinxin (2012) believed that praise not only needs to be credible, but also perse。

Chapter Three Research Methods 来*自-优=尔,论:文+网www.youerw.com A

3。1 Questionnaire

 The questionnaire is a very important and main tool to collect data in this research。 Compared with other methods of collecting data, questionnaire has the merits of convenience, objectivity and high efficiency。 Questionnaire is an important research method I use。 Focusing on the theme of praise in primary English teaching, I set up detailed and clear questions to collect comprehensive information。 There are 20 questions in the questionnaire, including 18 closed questions and 2 open questions。 The dimensions are the frequency of praise, ways of praise, content of praise, object of praise, authenticity of praise and effect of praise。

3。2 Interview

In order to make up for the disadvantages of questionnaire survey, I have a direct conversation with primary English teachers and students in different grades, and survey the information needed in the research more flexibly and deeply。 In the study, there are three main objectives of the interview。 The first one is to understand the influence of praise on students’ learning and teachers’ teaching progress。 The second is to understand the problems of praise in the use in primary English teaching, and the third is to understand the attention of school management in praise。 

















